This is the Cross Reference Table list. It displays a list of the Cross Reference Tables that have been set up for your project, and tables that you can share from other projects. You will use this screen to open Cross Reference Tables when you are ready to link table items to your hierarchy components.
This list shows all the tables belonging to the current project, and the tables that are shared across all projects. For each table, the following columns are displayed:
•Title: the title as it appears in the table’s Properties workscreen.
•User ID: the User Defined ID of the table.
•Shared: a checkmark here means the table is shared across all projects. If not checked, the table is private to the current project. If your login has permission to "alter shared tables", then you may click on the checkbox to toggle a table between shared and unshared.
•Items: the number of items in the table.
•Used Items: the number of items linked to something.
•System ID: the unique System ID of the table.
Tip: You can sort the list by any of these columns by clicking on the column header. Click once to sort in ascending order; click again to sort in descending order. Initially the list is sorted by title, ascending.
Open the highlighted table(s), to show the items in the table. (Alternatively, you can double-click on a table in the list.) If more than one table is highlighted, each is opened in a separate window. From a table window you can link the table items to hierarchy components in a workbench.
Note: Once you have opened the table(s) of interest, you might wish to click Close on this window, or minimize it, in order to get it out of the way.
Click this button to view the properties of the Cross Reference Table selected in the list. In the properties screen, you can edit the table's title and User Defined ID.
Click this button to create a new table.
Click this button to permanently delete each table highlighted in the list.
Warning: This operation is permanent and irreversible. If you delete a table, all items in that table will also be deleted.
Click this button to generate an editable document of cross reference tables or items.
•All: Prints the entire list of tables or items.
•Selected: Prints only the highlighted tables or items. Ctrl + click tables or items to highlight them.
Report choice menus will give you a list of columns to choose from and options on how to sort the cross reference table or item list.
Note: You will not be able to print if your computer does not have a default printer defined. A default printer can be defined in Windows Control Panel.
•If your login has permission to "alter shared tables", then you may click on the checkbox to toggle a table between shared and unshared.
•If you highlight one or more rows in the list, you can press <Ctrl+C> to copy the list to the Windows clipboard. You can then use <Ctrl+V> to paste them into another application such as Excel.