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VISION User Guide

Access the document link's properties by double-clicking on it (if the "Properties" option is selected on the double-click menu) or by clicking "Properties" on the action menu, with the link selected.

Link General Tab


Location: Path to document.

Change Button: Change the file or address that represents this document.

oYou might wish to do this if the file has been relocated to a different folder or different computer, for example. Note that this is not the same as deleting this document link and creating a new one. Deleting wipes out the properties and history of the document link. Changing only the location leaves these things intact.

Type: The type of document.

File date currently: The current date of the document.

File date at time of last approval: This is not the date & time that the document was last approved; rather, it is the date & time that the document had when it was last approved. Thus, by comparing this date to the current date of the document, you can see whether the current document differs from the document that was approved.

Status: Status of the document.

Approved: "Approved" means that the VISION data object is certified as being consistent with the document it is linked to.


Not Approved: "Not Approved" means that the VISION data object has not yet been certified, or needs to be re-certified, as being consistent with the document it is linked to.

Not Found: The linked document does not appear to exist at the specified location.

Outdated: The linked document is currently older than it was when it was last approved.

Untracked: "Untracked" means VISION isn't tracking, or monitoring, the linked document. This means VISION won't call attention to the VISION data object when and if the linked document changes in some way.

oUntracked is the status assigned to a document link that has the "Track changes to document" checkbox unchecked. In many cases, you don't want VISION to bother you just because the linked document got updated. It might not matter to the data object linked to that document. Generally, the only time you do need VISION to track a linked document is when you anticipate that you might need to change the data object in some way because the document has changed.

Track changes to document: Depending on the relationship between the data record and the linked document, you might want VISION to call attention to the data record whenever the linked document changes. For instance, a change in the document might necessitate corresponding changes to the data record, or at least a review of the data record to confirm that it is still consistent with the linked document.

oCheck here if you do want VISION to call attention to the data record when the linked document changes. Or uncheck the box if you don't need to be bothered about this link whenever the document changes.

Link More Tab


Path: The document location.

Params (Parameters): For links to executable files (.EXE, .BAT, .COM ), you can specify parameters to pass to the executable when it is run from the document links list. For non-executable files—that is, for true documents, this field is used to store the window settings selected on the Learning Station tab.

Title: You can assign a title or brief description to this document. The title you assign goes with this link only; it does not affect the document itself. Nor does it affect the title assigned to other instances of links to the same document.

Scope: If only part of the linked document is relevant to this VISION data record, then you can use the Scope field to indicate which part.

Notes: Use this field for any comments, notes, or remarks about the linked document, or how it relates to the VISION data record.

Link Learning Station Tab

On this screen, specify how the linked document will display in the VISION Learning Station—that is, the nature of the browser window in which the document is displayed. Or, leave the default settings in place.

If you don't have the VISION Learning Station, this screen is irrelevant for you. Note that this screen is enabled only for true documents—not for links to executable programs.


Warning Note that the Chrome Browser will not display linked files because they can be a security risk. If you wish to link files for use in the VLS, save them as a URL instead of a file. Otherwise, use Internet Explorer, which will display files.

Show this document in the Learning Station

A linked document may or may not be appropriate for presentation in the Learning Station. Check or uncheck this checkbox accordingly. This checkbox has the same function as the checkbox in the "LS" column on the documents list window.

The other checkboxes on this window are disabled when this checkbox is unchecked.

See Also

Window Components

Window Behavior

Window Size

Window Position

Document Links Overview

Link History Tab

This window shows the history of actions for the link. A new entry is automatically made in this list each time the approval or tracking status of the link changes.


History Action Notes: Optionally enter any clarifying or explanatory remarks on this change to the document link status. Whatever text you enter here appears (and can be edited) in the Notes section of the link History window.

Action History: This panel lists the history of actions pertaining to the link. Click on a column header to sort the list by that column; drag a column header sideways to reposition the column. Right-click and choose Reset Columns to restore the default settings for column width, position, and sort column.

Action Type: The type of change to the status of this data-document link.

Notes: Explain or remark on the selected history action.