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VISION User Guide

The Test Properties window consists of seven different pages: Test Units, Selection, Summary, Print Options, Security, Cross Reference, Document Links, Version Comments, and Past Versions. These features give VISION’s Test Generator maximum power and flexibility.

Test Units

The Test Units page lists the title of the test and test units that make up the test. The title is what appears in the list of tests and is also printed as the title of the test when it is generated. On the Test Units page you can:

Enter a Title for the test.

Enter "Test Units", the questions, objectives or programs on which the test will be based.

Remove Test Units.

Enter comments regarding the test.

Change the test's status to "Approved".

Build (or rebuild) the test.

Tip If you see the yellow version icon Node Warning next to a test unit, it is indicating that the test unit has been updated, and that the node in the test is older that the most current version. You can update it by right-clicking on the node, selecting "Special Branch Operations", and then selecting "Reapprove Branch".


The Selection page is where you populate the question pool and select questions from it to appear on the test. On the selection page you can:

Select questions for the test.

Define a filter to use to select questions.

Change the order that questions will appear on the test.

View question properties.

Preview the test.

Change the test's status to "Approved".

Build (or rebuild) the test.

For more information about how to use the Selection menu item, see Using Test Selection.


The Summary page shows the summary of the questions that have been chosen for the test on the Selection page. On the Summary page you can:

View the types of questions included on the test.

View the total points, time and average difficulty of the questions on test.

View a Summary of the objectives on the test.

Change the test's status to "Approved".

Build (or rebuild) the test.

Print Options

The Print Options page contains coversheet settings as well as test printing options. On the Print Options page you can:

Assign a Cover Sheet.

Chose what objective information to print.

Select other print options.

Change the test's status to "Approved".

Build (or rebuild) the test.


The Security page allows you to take ownership of a test and restrict access to it. On the Security page, you can:

Take Ownership of a Test.

Release Ownership of the test.

Grant permissions to others to View and Modify the test.

Change the test's status to "Approved".

Build (or rebuild) the test.

Plus1        Taking Ownership of a Test

Tip See Common Menu Items for Cross Reference, Document Links, Version Comments and Past Versions pages.