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VISION User Guide

On this tab you can perform the following operations:

Owning Project

This is the name of the project that "owns" this data object. This, the owning project, isn't necessarily the project you are currently logged in to.

Your permissions in the owning project, not the logged project, dictate whether you can edit the data object.


Use this field to enter the title for the test. The title is what appears in the list of tests and is also printed as the title of the test when it is generated.

User-Defined ID

You may have your own alphanumeric scheme for identifying data objects, in addition to the System ID. You can assign an ID to this data object (using that scheme) here, in the User Defined ID field.

System ID

This is not editable, and the same System ID never gets reused for the same kind of data. For example, even if the learning objective 123 is deleted, the System ID 123 will never be used again for a learning objective (in that VISION database).

Remove Test Unit Button

Click this button to remove the selected (highlighted) test unit from the test. Note that this may affect the question pool and the question selections (see the Selection page).

Build Test Button

Click this button to "build" and finalize the test. You must build a test before it can be generated (printed). Building a test randomly orders the choices in each Multiple Choice question. That order applies just to this test. Also, for any scenario questions on the test, building retrieves any new sub-questions added since the last build.

Once the test has been built, it can be printed and reprinted as many times as you like.

Note: Only Multiple Choice questions that have their answer positions set to "Random" (see the question workscreen) will have their choices randomized by a build.

TipTip: After generating the test (but before printing), if you don't like the random ordering of the choices, you can rebuild the test to get a different randomization. Additionally, you can set Multiple Choice questions to keep their answers in an order that you designate.

Test Units

This field lists the units that will be tested. Test units can be specific questions or (more typically) larger units that "contain" questions. These are the available test unit types:

Program organizers above Training Units

Program Training Units



To place a test unit onto a test, drag the unit from any window (Workbench, Search result, etc.) in which it appears, and drop it into this, the Test Units window. You can drag and drop several units at one time.

You can drag units to rearrange their order. The order isn't significant for VISION operations, but could be meaningful to you.

Note: All test units on a test must be of the same type. For example, if an objective unit appears in this list, you cannot drop a question or a program unit. If you want to change the type of units, you must first remove all units from this list.

TipTip: Click the right-mouse button for a handy pop-up menu.

Test Unit Type

There are four types of test units:

PI ValidationProgram Organizers (Non-Training Units) such as Courses, Modules, etc.

PI Instruction and Exam Program Training Units, such as Lessons, or any unit that contains objectives

OI Cog Enabler Objectives

MC Icon Questions

A test can be created based on any ONE of these orientations.

Warning While it is possible (based on your Security settings) to create a test from questions entered into Skill/Knowledge Analysis items, we strongly recommend against doing this. Instead, consider linking them to objectives and using those objectives as test units.


This field is optional and you can select a different title for it by clicking on the label and entering a new one. This will change the label for all the tests in the project.

Generate Button

Click this button to create an .rtf document of the test or answer key.

See Also

Test Workscreen Overview