The Print Options tab allows you to customize the way test documents are generated.
If you prefer, you can include a cover sheet on your test, answer key and/or answer sheet. A cover sheet can contain anything you like, such as instructions for the student, a company logo, etc. When a test is generated, the cover sheet will always appear on the first page.
To include a cover sheet, click the Pick button. In the window that appears, select the cover sheet you want to use or create a new one.
Use these check boxes to select the type of document (Test, Answer Key and/or Answer Sheet) on which the objective information will be printed. For instance, if "On test" is checked, then VISION will print the objective information after each question on the generated test.
The objective information printed for each question is the Behavior statement of the objective to which the question is linked.
The first question on the document will be numbered "1", or whatever other number is entered here. The numbering will increase from there (2, 3, 4, etc.) for the remaining questions.
If you intended to staple one test to another to make one big test, then that would be one reason that you might start the numbering at a number higher than 1.
Check this box to force each question to print on a separate page.
This applies only to Short Answer and Essay questions. These kinds of questions specify an amount of blank space that the Test and Student Answer Sheet should include after the question, for the student to write in the answer.
Check this box if you want the Test and Student Answer Sheet to ignore that specification and omit that answer space.
This is the window for creating, editing, and selecting cover sheets for tests, test answer keys, and test student answer sheets.
A cover sheet is a rich-text document (RTF), typically just one page, that gets printed in front of a test, answer key, or answer sheet. It is entirely optional. You can reuse the same cover sheet for multiple exams. A cover sheet might include your company logo, organizational name, general instructions, advisories, signature boxes—things like that.
These are the existing cover sheets. The cover sheet titles are shown in the list. Double-click on a title (or click the "Properties" button) to view or edit the contents of the cover sheet.
A cover sheet is either shared among all projects, or it is private to a particular project. Depending on whether the checkbox above is checked or unchecked, the list shows either the shared cover sheets or the cover sheets belonging to whichever project owns the test that you have opened. You won't see cover sheets belonging to other projects.
To select a cover sheet for the test that you have opened, select it in the list and click the "OK" button. You may create a new cover sheet by clicking the "New" button.
This panel shows whatever description, notes, or comments have been entered for the cover sheet selected in the list above.
To edit the comments, double-click on the cover sheet selected above (or click the "Properties" button).
A cover sheet can be either private to the project that owns the test or shared among all projects. The list below shows just one kind of sheet at a time. Click this checkbox to toggle back and forth between the two kinds of sheets—private and shared.
Click here to view or edit the cover sheet. (Alternatively, you can double-click on a cover sheet title in the list.)
The properties include the cover sheet title, any comments, the actual contents of the cover sheet, and whether the sheet is shared or private to a particular project.
Only the cover sheet contents actually get included in a generated test document; the title and comments just serve to organize the cover sheet library.
When you click OK, whichever cover sheet is currently selected in the list gets selected for use on the test you have opened.
The OK operation is also necessary to save any changes, additions, or deletions you may have made to the cover sheets.
Note: To keep your changes, you must also click OK on the test workscreen. Your changes will be lost if you click Cancel on the test workscreen.
Click to create a new cover sheet. You'll get to choose whether to share it among all projects or leave it private to the project that owns the test you have opened.
Click here to delete the selected cover sheet.