The consolidated and linked analysis components are displayed with the objective (on this tab) as a reminder to the lesson author: If an analysis component (usually an element, skill or knowledge) has been consolidated into an objective, it should be addressed as part of the instruction for that objective.
If you plan to enter content right into the objective using the Content tab (rather than from the perspective of a document), review the Analysis Links page first so that you will be aware of the consolidated and linked analysis components to address in your content.
This list shows the analysis components (elements and skills/knowledge) that have been associated with (or consolidated into) the objective. All consolidated analysis components in this list will be taught within the objective as content or teaching points; they will not comprise individual objectives since they have been consolidated within another objective instead.
Note: By default, VISION will not allow you to consolidate an analysis component into an objective if it has already been made into an objective. Also, if you have consolidated an analysis component, you cannot create an objective from it.
Tip: You can also see what analysis components are linked and consolidated into this objective when you are in a Workbench. These are displayed in the Analysis Links window when you have selected the objective in an Objective Hierarchy window.
Click this button to show the properties of the selected analysis component.
Tip: You can also double-click on the component to show its properties.
Click this button to unlink the selected analysis component from the objective. If you unlink, the Analysis component will no longer be consolidated into or linked to the objective.
Unlinking 'Associated' links can only be done for those items that were manually linked in the first place. Associated links that VISION has created cannot be unlinked.
Tip: If your goal here is to consolidate the analysis component into a different objective, you should do this from a Workbench. In the Workbench, you can unlink the analysis component and place it into the holding bin. From the holding bin, you can consolidate the analysis component into a different objective.
Click this button if you get a database error when unlinking or consolidating. If the rebuild process is successful, you should be able to perform the operation again without any more errors.
See also the following Advisor topic: How to create an Objective Hierarchy from a Task Analysis