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VISION User Guide

What are Qualifications?

Qualifications are lists of tasks that learners must master in order to become qualified for their job positions. In VISION, qualifications are created in the VISION Developer module and assigned, delivered, and evaluated in VISION Learning Station.

The Qualification Creation Process

The process of creating a qualification event starts in the VISION Developer module and completes in VISION Learning Station.

1.Qualification task lists are assembled from job positions or courses in the VISION Developer module.

2.VISION Learning Station Organizations are associated with VISION Developer Programs that contain Qualification Cards.

3.These Qualification Cards can be "added" and assigned to learners in the same Organization.

Qualification Display

Filter Button Filter Button

This tool helps you narrow the list of qualifications quickly and efficiently.

Organization: Choose the organization associated with the qualifications you want to view.

Status: Select qualifications with either the Active (in use), Archived (no longer in use), or Historical (updated to VISION Learning Station, but not usable) statuses.

Sort By: Choose whether to sort qualifications by name or their system-generated identification numbers.

Search Search Button

Click the Search button to enter criteria to find specific qualifications.

Add Qualification Button

Click the Add Course button to create a new course

Click the Add Qualification button to add a new qualification and see the Add a Qualification Job Aid for instructions. Note that you are not creating a qualification, but selecting one from the VISION Developer module to assign to learners through the VISION Learning Station.

Qualification List

The Qualification List lists all of the quals available to your current security level and with your current filter settings.


This is the VISION Learning Station system-defined identification number given to the qualification at the time of the qualification's creation. Each identification number is unique and cannot be changed.


The qualification's identification number in the VISION Developer module.

VDM Version ID

The ID number of the version of the VDM qualification upon which this qual is based.

Qual Card

Click on the qual's name to edit or access the qual's Properties page.

Assigned Users

This indicates that there are uses assigned to this qualification. Click the blue number to display a list of learners assigned to this qual and their current statuses.

Last & First Name: The first and last name of the learner.

Username: The unique VISION Learning Station identification assigned to the learner.

Status: The learner's status in terms of this qualification card. Click the magnifying glass icon to see more information about the learner's status and the task(s) on this qual card.

Start Date: The date on which the qualification was assigned to the learner. Click on the calendar icon to change this date.

Initial Qualification Date: The date on which the learner first qualified on this qual card. Click on the calendar icon to change this date.

Current Qualification Date: The most current date on which the learner finished the qualification card. Click on the calendar icon to change this date.

Expire Date: The date on which the learner will no longer be qualified on this task. Click on the calendar icon to change this date.


Whether or not this qual is approved to be used by learners.

Other Versions

Click this button to view a list of versions of the qualification.

Version Icons Version Icon

Version Icons appear with the VISION Developer module's Program ID and only appear if a newer APPROVED version of a qualification exists in the VISION Developer module.

These are meant to inform you that this is not the latest approved version of the qualification so that you can update to the new version if you wish by clicking the Create Version button on the qualification's properties page.