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VISION User Guide

Qualification Card Status


(Qual Name): The name of the qualification card.

(Learner Name): The last and first name of the learner you selected.

Recalculate Qualification Status: The qual card's status is calculated each time a task evaluation is complete on that qual card. Qual Cards with prerquisite qual cards could be stuck in an open status. To resolve the open status, click the "recalculate qualification status" button, which runs the same functions that runs to update qualification card status when a task is completed.

Create PDF Button: Click this button to download a PDF. You will be able to select or deselect the following information: ID, Status, Trainer, Date Trained, Evaluator, Current Date Completed, Initial Date Completed, and Expiration Date.

Print Button: Click this button to print the information displayed in this window.

Routing History Button: Click this button to open a report on the routing path this learner's qualification went though. All of the users on the routing path are listed, along with their approval, comments, and any associated documents.

(Status): A large icon and status are displayed for the qualification. This includes all the tasks listed below, on the Task tab. The status displayed will be one of the following:

oOpen: The user has not yet finished the qualification, but still has time to do so.

oIncomplete: The user has started, but not completed the qualification.

oPass: The user has completed the qualification and has met the required score.

oExempt [Pass (Instructor)]: The user is receiving credit for the qualification card without completing it.

oFail: The user has completed the qualification but has not met the required score.

oExpired: The qualification period has ended and the user did not complete this qualification.

oDisqualified: The user is not qualified on this qualification card.

Date Started: The date on which the qualification was assigned to the learner.

Initial Date Qualified: The first date on which the learner finished the qualification.

Current Date Qualified: The most recent date on which the learner finished the qualification.

Expiration Date: The date on which the qualification will expire.


These are the tasks that are linked to the qualification card in the VISION Developer module.

ID: The VISION Developer module's unique identification number for the task.

Task: Click this button to view the Task Performance Evaluation. All of the material displayed here is entered into the task's properties in the VISION Developer module.

Status: The learner's current status on the qualification card. It will be one of the following.

oOpen: The user has not yet finished the qualification, but still has time to do so.

oSatisfactory: The user has completed the qualification and has met the required score.

oUnsatisfactory: The user has attempted the qualification but did not meet the requirements.

oIncomplete: The user has started, but not completed the qualification.

oExempt [Pass (Instructor)]: The user is receiving credit for the qualification card without completing it.

oExpired: The qualification period has ended and the user did not complete this qualification.

oDisqualified: The user is not qualified on this qualification card.

Date Started: The date on which the learner began the first qualification task.

Initial Date Completed: The date on which the learner first completed the qualification.

Current Date Completed: The most recent date on which the learner completed the qualification.

Date Expires: The date on which the qualification is no longer valid.

Trainer: The first and last name of the trainer for the qualification card.

Evaluator: The first and last name of the evaluator for the qualification card.

Detail: Click this button to view the learner's Task Qualification Summary.

History: Click this button to view the learner's Task History.


Prerequisite: The name and system ID number of the course or qualification in the VISION Developer module.

Status: The learner's current status on the prerequisite. It will be one of the following.

oIncomplete: The user has started, but not completed the qualification.

oCompleted: The user has completed the qualification and has met the required score.

oExpired: The qualification period has ended and the user did not complete this qualification.

Date Completed: The date on which the learner finished the prerequisite, if applicable.

Requal Date: The date on which the prerequisite will expire, if applicable.

Note: Displays messages about the prerequisite, either:

oThis prerequisite must be completed before the qual card can be started.

oQual Card must be active to be started.

See Also

Task Qualification Summary

Task History

Task Performance Evaluation

Task Qualification Summary

oIncomplete: The user has started, but not completed the qualification.

oPass: The user has completed the qualification and has met the required score.

oExempt: The user is receiving credit for the qualification without completing it.

oFail: The user has completed the qualification but has not met the required score.

oExpired: The qualification period has ended and the user did not complete this qualification.

oDisqualified: The user is not qualified on this qualification card.

Task History


View or print information about each task's qualification.

Initial Completion Date: The first time the learner qualified on this task.

Current Task Status: Whether the evaluator graded the qualification as "Satisfactory" or "Unsatisfactory".

Date Started: The day on which the learner started their qualification.

Date Completed: The day on which the learner finished their qualification.

Expiration Date: The date on which the task's qualification expires, if applicable.

Evaluator: The first and last name of the person who evaluated the qualification.

Evaluator Comments: Any comments the evaluator left regarding the learners performance on the task.