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VISION User Guide

Qualification Cards are added in one step. Enter the required information and then click the Add Qual Card button.

LS Qual Card Approved

Select whether the qual card is approved and ready to be delivered to learners, or unapproved and not able to be delivered to learners.


Select the organization to which the qualification card will be linked.


Select the job position to which this qualification card will be linked.

VISION Developer Qual Card

Select the VISION Developer module qualification card that this qual will be based on.

Tip Note that if your Qual Card is linked to a VDM Program node you will not be able to assign a trainer or evaluator. This is because any training/evaluation is done through Performance Assessments in course(s).

Title Prefix

Use this space to enter any relevant naming. Note that you will not be able to edit the qual's title in the Learning Station.


The name of the qualification card that you have selected.

Cross Reference

Enter a cross reference number for the qualification card, if applicable. This will display on certain reports.

Requalification Required

Select whether or not learners will have to update their qualification for this qualification card.

Time Period

If requalification is required, select the time after which the qualification would expire and need to be requalified.

Trainer Required

Select whether or not a learner will need a trainer to supervise his or her qualification on this card's tasks.

Trainer Type

If a trainer is required, the types of trainers are listed. Each "type" is a group of people from which the learner can request training.

Personnel Qualified on This Qualification Card: Anyone who is currently qualified on this qualification card and who is marked as a "trainer."

Administrators: Anyone with a security level of "Administrator" and who is marked as a "trainer."

Site Administrators and Higher: Anyone with a security level of "Administrator" or "Site Administrator" and who is marked as a "trainer."

Instructors and Higher: Anyone with a security level of "Administrator," "Site Administrator," or "Instructor" and who is marked as a "trainer."

Manually Selected: A list of personnel that have been hand-picked by the instructor and who are marked as "trainers". This list can be selected with the Assign Trainers or Evaluators link.

Self Evaluation: Each learner will train him or herself.

External List: Trainers are not part of the VISION Learning Station and cannot be assigned here.

Evaluator Required

Whether or not a learner will need an evaluator to supervise his or her qualification on this card's tasks.

Evaluator Type

If an evaluator is required, the types of evaluators are listed. Each "type" is a group of people from which the learner can request evaluation.

Personnel Qualified on This Qualification Card: Anyone who is currently qualified on this qualification card and who is marked as an "evaluator".

Administrators: Anyone with a security level of "Administrator" and who is marked an "evaluator".

Site Administrators and Higher: Anyone with a security level of "Administrator" or "Site Administrator" and who is marked as an "evaluator".

Instructors and Higher: Anyone with a security level of "Administrator", "Site Administrator", or "Instructor" and who is marked as an "evaluator".

Manually Selected: A list of personnel that have been hand-picked by the instructor and who are marked as "trainers". This list can be selected with the Assign Trainers or Evaluators link.

Self Evaluation: Each learner will evaluate him or herself.

External List: Evaluators are not part of the VISION Learning Station and cannot be assigned here.

Can the Evaluator and trainer be the same person?

Select whether one person can be both the learner's trainer and evaluator for this qual card.

Allow Supervisor to be trainer and evaluator?

Select whether the learner's supervisor can also be the learner's trainer and/or evaluator on this qualification card. Note that when this setting is set to yes, a learner's supervisor can be both trainer and evaluator regardless of the previous rule.

Is the Qual Card to be routed to supervisor(s) first?

Select whether the qualification card will be submitted to the supervisor upon entering the routing path. If you select no, the qualification card takes the assigned routing path.

Automatically send Qual Card to routing path when complete?

Selecting "Yes" will cause VISION to send the qual card along it's routing path when it is finished, rather than requiring the learner to send it.

If "No" is selected, the learner will have to click the "Route Card" button to start the card on the routing path.

Add Qual Card Button

Click this button to create the qualification card.