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VISION User Guide

On the Organization screen, you will see the Organization Hierarchy, the Selected Node screen, and several links. These are each described below:

Organization Hierarchy

Organizational Hierarchy

The Organizational Hierarchy lists departments and job positions within the organization. You do not need to develop a hierarchy for your organization, but it can be useful to do so.  Courses can be assigned to a specific job position without having to assign each individual in the job position.  See the Organizational Hierarchy Job Aid for more information and how to create one.

Inherited Users

An Organization Hierarchy can be configured such that Task Qualified Jobs may have subordinate "Job Positions" under them which represent individual Tasks or groups of Tasks. Users are assigned to the Job Position, and completion of the Job's courses and/or quals represent that user's qualification record. Examples include: inside operator, unit reactor operator, HVAC maintenance, Operate a forklift, Segregate green trash and perform the duties of a master rigger.

Such Quals may be conveniently grouped under an Organizer or other Job Position. Examples include: Equipment operator, chemical addition and Process Measurement Instrumentation. A worker in the job position may hold a few or many of all the subordinate qualifications, and they may also have as an option the ability to train and qualify on any of the subordinate qualifications on an as-needed basis.

To accommodate this use, Job Positions in the Organization Hierarchy can be configured so that they inherit users assigned at higher levels.  In the example below, "Chem Tech", all workers in that job position are assigned to the Job. The Chem Tech job consists of one or more Duty Areas, each of which will have one or more Qualifications. These can be set up in the Organization Hierarchy in the following way:


Chem Tech (Job Position) - does NOT inherit users; users manually assigned

 Chemical Addition (Duty Area) - inherits users from above, but also users may be manually assigned

         Add Hydrazine to the Condensate (Qualification) - inherits users only

When users are added to the Chem Tech job, they may also be automatically enrolled in courses and/or qual cards assigned to the Chemical Addition and Add Hydrazine nodes. If a user has not started a course in one of those subordinate nodes and they are later removed from the Job, they will be automatically unenrolled from the courses as well. If the user has completed any courses, their completion records will be retained for as long as the completion record is valid.

If the "Inherit User Assignments" property is disabled for a Duty Area or Qualification, the inherited users will be removed from course events if they have not yet completed the event.

Selected Node

The Selected Node Properties affect only the highlighted hierarchy node. Nodes that are marked as Job Positions have more options than organizer or department nodes.


Click the links make changes to the selected organization. Note that all of these links will only affect the organization that you have already clicked on. You can see the organization's name above the Organization Hierarchy. If you wish to make changes to a different organization, click the back button.

Change the Properties of the organization.

Add or remove Projects to or from the organization.

Add or remove Users to or from the organization.

Add Course to the organization. These courses will be automatically associated with this organization.


Click the blue properties link at the top of the page to view or edit the organization's properties.

Edit Button

Click this button to make changes to the organization's properties. When you have finished, be sure to click the Save Changes button.


Organization Name: Title of the organization. This organization might represent a department of a larger organization. This field is required.

Primary Email: This is the email address of the user who will be responsible for receiving notifications when users have issues with the organization.

Date Entered: This is the date on which the organization was created. It is not editable.

Address 1 & 2, City, State, Zip, Country: The address of your organization that you wish other VISION users to see. It will not be used for automatically generated reports.

Phone: This is the phone number of the organization's primary contact.


Click this link to add VISION Developer module projects to your organization. A list of available projects will be listed on the left and projects belonging to your organization will be listed on the right.

Click the "Add" button to add a project to your organization or the "Remove" button to remove a project from your organization.

Warning If you need to disable, or lock, a VDM project in VISION Security, you will not be able to do so while it is connected to a VISION Learning Station organization. To disconnect a VDM Project see Assign VDM Projects to an Organization.


View a list of users enrolled in the organization and add new users to the organization.

Add User Button

Click this button to add a new user within the selected organization.