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VISION User Guide

Organization Hierarchy

When you have selected an organization, you will see its Organization Hierarchy. The hierarchy must consist of at least one node, the top "Organization" node, but may consist of many more. In the hierarchy, folder icons denote organization nodes with children. Page icons have no children. You can expand or contract a branch of the hierarchy by clicking on the + or - icons.

Click on a node to access the selected node menu, edit it, or add children. Nodes that are marked as "Job Positions" have many more options available than nodes that are not.

Selected Node Window

These are the settings of the highlighted organization hierarchy node. Not all options will be available for all nodes, but they may include the following:

Properties Tab: View or edit properties of the selected node, Map to Hierarchy, or assign trainers and evaluators.

Users Tab: View or edit a list of users assigned to the node (available if either Inherit User Assignments or Allow User Management is enabled).

Job Courses Tab: View or edit a list of courses assigned to the node (available if Allow Job Course Management is enabled).

Qual Cards Tab: View or edit a list of qualification cards assigned to the node (available if Allow Qual Card Management is enabled).

Reports Menu: Select from a list of reports pertaining to the selected node.

Add Child Node Button: Click this button to add a subordinate node to this node in the Organization Hierarchy on the left-hand side of the screen.

Selected Node: Properties Tab

Map to Hierarchy Plus1Map to Hierarchy Button

Assign Trainers/Evaluators to Tasks Button

Click this button to assign trainers or evaluators to the job position. First you will select a project from a list and then click the Next button. Then you will select a task from the list, and click the Next button. The final page displays a list of available personnel on the left, and a space for assigned Trainers and assigned Evaluators on the right. Click the blue arrow buttons to assign or remove trainers and evaluators and then click the Done button.

Edit Node Plus1Edit Node Button

Delete Node Button

Clicks this button to delete the node. Note that you will not be given this option for nodes that have children, users, courses, or qual cards.

Selected Node Properties

Level/Title: The name of the organizational level or job title that this node represents.

User Defined ID: Coding relevant to your organization, if applicable.

Role: Select an appropriate description of this organization node from the drop-down menu.

oIf this role is marked as a "Supervisor" users in this job position will be able to view qualification and training status reports for the users assigned to any subordinate job positions.

Node Type: Whether this node is a Job Position or an Organizer. More options will be available for Job Positions.

Personnel Required: If this is a job position, enter the number of people that are required by your organization to be assigned to this job position.

Selected Node: Users Tab

Assign User Assign User Button

Click this button to add or remove users from this list. To add users, check the box and click the Add Selected Students button. To remove users, click the Remove button next to the name of the user you'd like to remove.

Save Changes Button

Click this button to save your recent modifications.

User List

ID: The unique identification number assigned to this user's record.

Name: Click the learner's name link to view a summary of the user's properties.

User's Default Organization? Whether the selected organization is the user's default organization. Users may be assigned to more than one organization, but one will always be their "default", and used for reporting purposes.

Date Assigned: This is the date on which the user was assigned to this job position.

Job History: Click the clock button to view this user's job history. These are the job positions this user has previously held.

In Job Position: This box indicates whether the person actually does this job, rather than being signed up for the coursework for this job position. Check or uncheck it to mark a user as "in job" or remove "in job".

Job History

The job positions this user has previously held.

Job Title: The users current job position.

Last & First Name: The full name of the user as entered into the VISION system.

Export Button: Click this button to export this data with a variety of options.

Search: Enter criteria to search in any of the columns.

First & Last Name: The full name of the user as entered into the VISION system.

Organization: The VLS organization that the listed job position belongs to.

Job Position: The name of the job position.

Action: The change that occurred to the user's job position to generate this record.

Date: The date on which this change occurred.

Comment: Any comments associated with this record at the time of the change.

Edit Button: Click this button to add to or change the comment associated with this record. You can change the date and the comment, but no other information.

WarningNote that you can use the column headers and up and down arrows to sort the data in this table.

Selected Node: Job Courses Tab

This is a list of courses that have been assigned to this job position in this organization.

Add Job Course ButtonAdd Job Course Button

Add a Course to the organization. These courses will be automatically associated with this organization and job position.

Training Type

The type of course, either General, Initial, or Continuing. Initial courses are meant to start a training program but not be repeated. Continuing training courses are meant to be repeated, and General courses are all others. These types are set when the training unit is created in the VISION Developer module.


The number of courses of each type associated with this job position. Click the blue number drop-down menu to reveal a list of courses.

ID: The VLS identification number for the course.

VDM PID: The VISION Developer module system ID for the training unit this course is based on.

Course Title: The name of the course. Click the blue link to see more information about it.

Approved: Whether the course has been approved and is ready to be given to learners.

Other Versions: The number of versions (edited copies) of the course that exist. Click the Versions button to see a list of them.

Expire Dates Button: Click this button to change the date on which the course will no longer be available.

Selected Node Qual Cards Tab

These are the qualification cards that learners assigned to this job position must complete in order to become or remain "qualified" for this position.

Add or Link Qual Cards

When you "Add" a qual card you set up a new qual card that did not exist before. When you "Link" a qual card, you will use a qual card that has already been "Added" (set up).

Link Qual Card Button: Click this button to link an existing qual card to this job position. You will see a list of available qualification cards. Check the boxes for the one(s) you wish to link and click the Link Selected button.

Add Qual Card Button: Click this button to create a new qual card assigned to the organization and job position.

ID: The VISION Learning Station module's unique identification number for the qualification.

VDM Qual Card ID: The VISION Developer module's unique identification number for the qualification.

VDM Version ID: The VISION Developer module's unique version identification number for the qualification.

Qual Card: Click the link to view the qualification card's properties.

Approved: Whether or not this qual is approved to be used by learners.

Other Versions Button: Click this button to view a list of versions of the qualification. If there are no other versions, "None" is displayed.

Remove Link Button: Click this button to break the link between this job position and this qualification card.

Add Child Node Add Child Node Button

Click this button to add a new node as a child to the currently selected node. Note that you will be able to move the new node later if you need to.

Node Title: The name of the organizational level or job title that this node represents.

Node Type: Select Organizer or Job Position. If Organizer is selected, the following four options will default to 'no:' Inherit User Assignments, Allow User Management, Allow Job Course Management, and Allow Qual Card Management. If Job Position is selected, only Inherit User Assignments will default to 'no.'

Inherit User Assignments

When enabled, the node will inherit all users explicitly assigned to the immediate parent node. If the parent node inherits user assignments, the node will also inherit all users that the parent node inherited.

Any inherited users will be displayed on the “Users” tab in a mostly read-only list with the following columns of information:

oID – learner ID value

oName – learner’s full name

oAssigned organization – the full name and ID value of the organization node where the explicit assignment took place for this user.

oIn Job – indicates whether the user is fully qualified for the position vs still training for the position. This field will be represented by a pair of checkboxes as follows:

Inherited – indicates whether the node inherits the In Job value for the user from the parent node, or if it explicitly overrides it for the node.

In Job – indicates the In Job state for the user. If Inherited is checked, then this checkbox is disabled, showing the inherited state. Otherwise, the checkbox is enabled representing the explicit In Job state for the current node, which may or may not match the inherited state.

Allow User Management

When enabled, shows the “Users” tab for the selected node, which contains an editable user list and methods for assigning/unassigning users. Such user assignments are termed “explicit” user assignment for the node to differentiate them from “inherited” user assignments. The “Users” tab shows both explicit and inherited user assignments, though in separate lists. As such, if either the “Inherit User Assignments” or “Allow User Management” settings are enabled, a “Users” tab will be shown, though which lists are shown will depend on which settings are enabled.

Allow Job Course Management

When enabled, shows the “Job Courses” tab for the selected node, which contains an editable course list and methods for adding, editing and deleting job-specific courses.

Allow Qual Card Management

When enabled, shows the “Qual Cards” tab for the selected organization node, which contains an editable qual card list, and methods for adding, editing and archiving qual cards.

Personnel Required: If this is a job position, enter the number of people that are required by your organization to be assigned to this job position.

User Defined ID: Enter any coding relevant to your organization, if applicable.

Role: Select an appropriate description of this organization node from the drop-down menu.

oOrganizer: This node would be used to sort other nodes.

oDepartment: This node might contain job positions or supervisors.

oIndividual Contributor: Users assigned to this job position would not oversee other users.

oSupervisor: Users who oversee other users. Note that users assigned to this job position will be able to view qualification and training status reports for the users assigned to any subordinate job positions. Note that to assign users to this node, you must select "Yes" for "Is this a job position?".

oJob Position: Users assigned to this job position would not oversee other users.

TipNote that, with the exception of the Supervisor role, these are titles only and will not affect the node's settings. For example, if you made the node a Job Position and then give it a Role of "Organizer", it would still have all of the features of a Job Position. If you mark "No" to "Is this a job position?" but gave it the Role of "Job Position" it would not have the features of a Job Position.