Enter information for the new user account. Only certain fields are required.
Note that some properties are only available when editing a user record. Click User Properties to see those options.
Choose a default organization from drop-down menu. A user may be assigned to more than one organization, but this will be their primary organization.
If the user being added is determined to be a new user, not previously registered with the VISION system, leaving the password field blank will automatically send a password creation email to the user allowing them to establish their own password. If you provide a password for a new user, it is your responsibility to inform the user of the new password.
If the user being added is determined to have been registered with the VISION system leaving the password blank will retain whatever the current password is for the given user. If you provide a password for a new user, it is your responsibility to inform the user of the new password.
You are not permitted to update passwords for VISION registered users who are authenticated via LDAP. For these users, the password field will not be displayed on this page.
The full first name of the user as it has been entered in VISION Learning Station.* This field is required. You are not permitted to update this field for VISION LDAP users.
The full last name of the user as it has been entered in the VISION Learning Station.* This field is required. You are not permitted to update this field for VISION LDAP users.
Enter a valid work email address for the employee. This email address may be added to reports or notification emails. Anyone with Administrator or Site Administrator security access will be able to see this information.* This field is required. You are not permitted to update this field for VISION LDAP users.
Enter a valid work contact number for the employee. This number may be added to reports or notification emails. Anyone with Administrator or Site Administrator security access will be able to see this information. You are not permitted to update this field for VISION LDAP users.
If the account is temporary, list the date that the account will expire.
Select a security access level for the employee:
•Learner: This security role is for students who will be assigned to qualification cards, courses events, exams, and DIF surveys. A learner will only be able to access those things to which they have been assigned. Learners may enroll themselves in course events that permit it, or request enrollment in courses listed under Public Courses.
•Instructor: This role is for someone who will manage the course events to which they are assigned as instructors. They are able to enroll and un-enroll learners into their events, manage their exam and score data, view records and reports on data limited to their events, as well as everything within the "Learner" role.
•Site Administrator: The site administrator will have complete access to his or her own organization(s), but not other reports or courses that belong to other organizations; as well as everything within the "Learner" and "Instructor" roles.
•Administrator: This role has complete access to every feature in VISION Learning Station and can view and interact with all of the data in the system.
If you check "Yes" this person will require a proctor to enter their credentials before an exam, even if the exam settings do not require it.
Decide whether or not this person will be able to oversee others while they're taking exams. “Yes” will enable this person to proctor for any learners or exams that require it.
Decide if this person will be able to evaluate others while they're doing qualifications. “Yes” will add this person to a list of evaluators for the appropriate qualifications.
Decide if this person will be able to train others on their job positions. “Yes” will add this person to a list of trainers for the appropriate job positions.
Use these spaces to enter any relevant coding.
Click the Add User button when you are done entering data.