VISION offers a variety of ways to find things. You will choose a method depending on what you are looking for, and the information you have to aid in your search. For example, if you only know the text or a key word, you would use Find. If you know a reference number, you can use Jump. Choose a topic below to learn more.
There is no hard distinction between the various Search features; you'll find an overlap in their search capabilities. But each method is designed to be best suited for a certain type of search operation. Use this table to help you decide which one to use.
Method |
What it does best |
Example |
Finds components within a section of the database, or across sections, according to prepackaged search routines. |
Search for all questions not associated with an objective. |
Finds components in a hierarchy by key word text; the operation can be further defined by a table link. This type of search is not as fast as Search. |
Starting at a duty area (function), find all components with the term "rod control", that are linked to procedure OP21-5679. |
Finds a specific component (analysis component, objective, program, or question) according to one of its numbers: User Defined ID, System number, or Cross Reference Number. This is very quick, as it jumps right to the specified data record (if found). |
Find the analysis component having system number 3495. (Where did you get this number? perhaps from a printed VISION report.) |
Finds all components linked to a particular cross reference table item. useful for finding training impact resulting from a change to any variable represented as a table item. This is a fast type of search. |
Find all objectives associated with Valve 23A. |
Open a hierarchy before you start
'Go To', 'Remove', or 'Drag/Drop' Results
Reduce the size of the Cross Reference Table
To use Search, do the following:
1.Open the work area hierarchy that is appropriate for the type of component(s) that you want to search for. Some searches are context sensitive; i.e. they need you to identify a starting point by selecting an appropriate data component.
2.From the Main Menu, select Search Search to see a list of search routines, organized among various category tabs.
3.Click on the tab that contains the search routine you want.
4.Highlight a Search Title; then click the Run button.
5.If you are prompted for additional information for your Search criteria, enter the appropriate information and click OK.
a.After selecting Run, some searches require additional information. A search dialog will display, requesting the information needed to complete the operation.
b.For example, the search "Programs" will display a dialog box where you will first select the type of program node to search and then a text box where you can enter a text string to search on as well.
6.The search result will appear in a window with the title of the search in the window's Title Bar.
7.To go to the node in the hierarchy, select the node in the Search Result window and then click the "Go to Hierarchy" button.
To use Find, do the following:
1.Open the work area hierarchy appropriate for the type of component(s) that you want to find.
2.From the Main Menu, select Search Find in Branch to open the Find dialog box.
3.Select a node in the hierarchy beneath which you want to find components.
4.In the Find dialog box, check the box to indicate if you want to find nodes by text, and then enter the text you want to use in the Find operation.
5.If you want to further delimit your search by a Cross Reference Table link, open the Cross Reference Table you want to use now by clicking the Open Table button.
a.If you choose to search for text AND a table link, the Find routine uses the AND operator. In other words, VISION will look for components that contain the text AND that are also linked to the Cross Reference Table item.
6.Check the box "Use table item".
7.Click on the cross reference item you want to use in the Find operation.
8.Click Find. The Find operation will run, and display the results in the Find Results window.
To use Jump, follow these steps:
1.If you have not already done so, open the appropriate Workbench.
2.To use Jump, click the right mouse button, or from the Main Menu, click Search Jump.
3.Select the type of components you want.
4.Select the type of value you want to use: System ID, User Defined ID or Cross Reference.
5.Enter the value.
6.Click the Jump button. The node will appear in a Jump Result window.
7.To go to the node in the hierarchy, select the node in the Jump Result window; then click the Go to Hierarchy button.
Query is used to find data records that have been linked to a table item. To use Query on an item, follow these steps:
1.Navigate to the cross reference item you want to query on.
2.Select Cross Reference Query from the Main Menu. You can also right-click on an item and select "Query Item".
3.In the Cross Reference Table window, select the item of interest. The text of the item selected will appear in the ‘Selected item’ field in the Query window.
4.In the Query window, select the type of data record you want to check for links to the selected item.
5.If you prefer the result list to be in a document that you can print, select the ‘In a document’ option.
6.Click the Query button. The Query Result window will display all data records that are linked to the cross reference item.