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VISION User Guide

VISION can produce all sorts of reports. You can get a wide variety of project reports, audit reports, lesson specifications, lesson plans, procedures, qualification checklists, and more.

To make it easier to find these reports, they have been broken up into two broad categories: Reports, and Documents. You can generate them from any of the Workbench screens. Once you generate a report and display it on your screen, you can even access the database or a hierarchy directly through the document. You can also access the script that generates the report and, if you know the script language (the Report Generator language), you can make revisions to the report.

This chapter will address all of these topics to help you quickly produce any report or documents you need and use them to their maximum advantage.

Chapter Objectives

Reports and Documents

Get Project Reports from any Workbench Cue Card

How to use Search, Find, Jump, and Query

System Reports

Accessing the Report Generator

NISP Reports

Create a NERC SOCCED ILA Cue Card

Changing the Database from a Report or Document