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Follow these procedures to create ILA courses in VISION from which you can generate uploadable SOCCED reports.

Set up the Template: Install the reports, documents, and cross reference tables that the ILA will use into VISION and create an ILA course template.

Create ILA Courses: Use your ILA course template to create ILA courses.

Run the ILA Report and Upload to SOCCED: Run the ILA report on your courses and upload the results to SOCCED.

In this procedure you will add ILA report scripts and templates into VISION. This will allow you to generate ILAs from VISION. You will only need to do these procedures when you are setting up ILAs for the first time.

Set up the Template

Step 1: Add Report Scripts to VISION

Follow these steps to copy ILA reports into VISION.

1.Open your VISION root folder and navigate to “.\VISION\Reports”.

2.Copy the file “lf.dat” into the Reports folder.

3. Navigate to “.\VISION\Reports\REPORTS” in your VISION folder.

4.Copy the appropriate "NERC SOCCED ILA APPLICATION CSV (##).RPT" (where ## is 83 or 91) into the REPORTS folder.

5.Open the file "NERC SOCCED ILA APPLICATION CSV (##).RPT" with Notepad and modify the text as highlighted below to your specific NERC Provider ID.

ila 1_zoom25

6. Save and close the file when you are done.

Step 2: Import Cross-Reference Tables into VISION

Use the VISION Import/Export utility to import the following tables into VISION:

ILA Cross Ref - ILA Submittal.Tab

ILA Cross Ref - PCGC Recognized Training Topics for CEH.TAB

ILA Cross Ref - Segment Data.Tab




Step 3: Create an ILA Template Course and Training Unit (TU)

Follow these steps to create ILA nodes in VISION's Program hierarchy:

1.In VISION's Program hierarchy, create a Course type organizer with a title such as “Individual Learning Activity (ILA) Application Template (CEH #, Sim #, Stand #)” (or something similar).

2.Create a child training unit with the same title.

3.In the User-Defined ID field of the TU, enter the NERC course ID in the form providerID_course-specificID (you have up to 256 characters).

4.Add the following to the Comments section:

Course Description: Sample text for course description. |

Note: Be sure to follow the label with a colon (:) and a space and the sample text with a bar character (|). The bar can be created with Shift and forward slash (\). The Course Description field of the ILA is populated by the “Course Description” text entered this way in the program node.

Step 4: Add CEH Hour Links

Follow these steps to add cross-reference table links for continuing education hours:

1.In the Cross-Reference Tables list, scroll down until you find CEH Hours and highlight it.

2.In the Linked column, check the 01 cross-reference item.

3.Repeat for Simulator Hours and Standards Hours.

Step 5: Add ILA Report Links

Follow these steps to add cross-reference table links for the remaining ILA report options:

1.Select the ILA Submittal - NEW SOCCED (December 2017) cross-reference table and then click the User ID column label to sort the entries by User IDs. These instructions are presented in User ID order.

2.Find the Assessment Tools items (ASSESSMENT) and check the items that are appropriate to your organization.

3.Find the System Operator Credential Maintenance items (CONFORMS) and select “YES” or “NO”.

4.Find the Emergency Operations - Related item (EMERGENCY_OPERATION) and check the item if the course is Emergency Operations related.

5.Find the Piloted items (PILOTED) select “YES”, “NO”, or “NA”.

Create ILA Courses

Use these procedures to create new ILA courses. You will have to follow these procedures every time you need to make a new ILA course.

Step 1: Create an ILA Course

Follow these directions to drag, drop, and copy your ILA template to create a new course:

1.Drag the ILA template program node into the hierarchy location where you want to create the new ILA course.

2.On the Confirm Drop window, be sure to click "Copy branch" and the "Copy Cross-reference links" checkbox.

3.Click OK.

ila 2_zoom25

Step 2: Add Objectives and Topics

1.Sequence the appropriate objectives into the new training unit, just as you would for any training unit.

2.Set the “Time to Train” for each objective.

3.Add the training topics covered in the course. On the Cross References tab of the new training unit, click Link and select the ILA Submittal - PCGC Recognized Training Topics for CEH (ILA_PCGC_CEH_TOPICS) cross-reference table and check the box for ALL the applicable training topics.

Step 3: Organize Objectives into ILA Segments

1.Open your objectives hierarchy and navigating to the place you store your ILA segment organizers.

2.Create a new objective which will be the new segment organizer

Note: The node type should be an objective rather than an organizer because the organizer node type is not allowed with certain types of training units.

3.Enter a title in the Behavior field, like “Training Course Name - ILA Segment 1”. This field is not used on the report but is required in VISION and will make it easier to organize the ILA segments.

4.Enter “ILA Segment” as the Topic. This is required for the report.

5.Set the Status to “Content Approved”.

6.Select the Training tab and in the Comments section, enter the description for the segment. This will be used for the “Segment Delivery Description” part of the ILA report.

7.Add Segment Categories and Partial Credit information. On the Cross References tab, click Link and select the ILA Submittal - Segment Data cross-reference table and link the applicable items for the segment.

8.Sequence the segment organizer(s) into the ILA program node by dragging and dropping it (them) and then organize the course objectives within the ILA Learning Segment they support.

9.All the objectives sequenced into the training unit will be included in the Learning Objectives section of the ILA report.

10. The objectives following or under the ILA Segment organizer will be included in the Learning Objective(s) related to each segment field for that segment when the ILA report is generated.

11.The Segment Duration in minutes is calculated by adding the Time to Train entered on the Training tab of each objective in the segment.

Run the ILA Report and Upload to SOCCED

Use this procedure to run the ILA report on your ILA courses and upload them to SOCCED:

1.In the Program hierarchy, click on (highlight) the course (training unit) for which you want to generate the ILA.

2.On the Main Menu, click Outcomes and select VISION Report.

3.Select the Development tab.

4.Select the NERC SOCCED Individual Learning Activity Application (##) report and press the Run button.

5.You will be prompted to select a folder to write the CSV file to. Browse to the desired folder and press OK.

6.You will then be prompted to enter the Start Date.

Warning WARNING! The report pre-fills the date field with the current date, but you will normally be submitting the ILA prior to the course start date. Be careful to set the correct date before clicking OK!

7.Enter the course's Start Date and then click OK.

8.Next you will be prompted to verify your provider ID and click OK.

9.When the report is done, it will save the CSV file and generate a summary page in RTF format for you to review. Verify that all expected ILA items have been correctly produced.

10.At the bottom of the RTF summary document, the report script generates the path and file name where the CSV version is saved for upload to SOCCED.