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Changing the Database from a Report or Document

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When the report or document is displayed on the screen, you will notice that some of the data appears in different colored text. Where the text is blue, that means it is “hyperlinked” to the VISION database from which it came.

When you double click on any blue text in a report, VISION will bring up the corresponding database field.


You can edit the text in the database field.

When you exit the Properties window and return to the document, you will be asked if you want to update the document. It isn’t necessary to do this, however, because you can always regenerate the document to display the latest data.


Accessing a Hierarchy from a Report or Document

The blue “hypertext” in a report or document can be used not only to access the database object, but also to go to the object’s location in the hierarchy.

Tip VISION reports and documents give you direct access to the database from a document perspective. Once the report or document is generated, you can use it to get to the data you need.

1.Click the right mouse button on the blue text, and choose Go to Hierarchy from the popup menu.


2.VISION shows the hierarchy location of the data object that owns the blue text.

Tip When you return to the report or document by closing the hierarchy, any changes you made in the hierarchy will not be reflected in the document. Generate the document again to see your changes, if desired.

Document-database link enabled only in VISION editor

Remember that the blue text offers access to the VISION database only when the document is viewed in VISION. When viewed in an external editor (such as Word), the blue text is merely blue text.

You can always generate the document again very quickly and easily. This way, the document will always be up to date.