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VISION User Guide

Navigation: VISION Learning Station Help > Job Aids > Organizations

Add Personnel to an Organization

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New User

Existing User

Assign Users to Job Positions

TipNote that you can also import user records into the VLS from Excel.

New User (has no user record)

Most personnel will have been added to your system from your personnel records, during the installation and set-up process. When you need to add additional personnel, however, you can do so with this procedure.

Follow these steps to add personnel to an organization:

1.Click on Administration on the Main Menu.

2.Click on the Organization tab.

3.Open the Organization you want to add personnel to and then the Users tab.

4.Click on the Add User button.

5.Enter properties for the user. There is an explanation of these here: User Properties

6.When done, click the Add User button.

Next, assign them to a job position.

Existing User (has a user record but not in the organization)

Adding a new organization to a user's record is something best done by an administrator, as even a site administrator might not have the security permissions necessary to edit both the organization and the user's record.

To add an organization to an existing user's record, follow these instructions:

1.Click on Administration on the Main Menu.

2.Click on the Organization tab.

3.Open the Organization you want to add personnel to and then Click the Users tab.

4.Click on the user's record that you want to edit.

5.Click the Properties tab.

6.Click the Edit button.

7.Scroll down to Organization(s) and click the Modify button.

8.Click the Available Organizations tab.

9.Click on the organization you want to add to this user's record to highlight it. Shift+click to select more than one.

10.Click the Link Organization(s) button.

Next, assign them to a job position.

Assign Users to Job Positions

To assign users to a job position, follow these steps:

1.Click on Administration on the Main Menu.

2.Click on the Organizations tab.

3.Click on an organization link.

4.In the hierarchy, click on a job position node.

5.Click the Users tab and then the Assign Users button.

6.Check the boxes next to the users you wish to assign to the job position or click the Check All button.

7.When you are finished, click the Save Changes button.