To explore and view the types of records available in the Learning Station, select Records from the Main Menu.
There are several types of records available, and they are listed as tabs across the top of the page. To select a particular kind of record, click on its tab.
Each type of record has specific settings with which you can filter the data that you receive:
•Exam Records: Create a list of completed exams (tests).
•Course Records: Create a list of completed courses events.
•Evaluation Records: Create a list of completed evaluation records that students used to rate the courses that they participated in.
•Qualification Records: Create a list of completed qualification records.
•Learner Feedback Records: Create a list of the comments students attached to questions when reviewing their performance on an exam.
•Audit Event Records: Create a list of user information and qualification "events" that have happened in the Learning Station during a given time period.