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VISION User Guide

Use the exam record search to find information regarding tests that learners took and their scores. There are two ways to search, with either the Online tab or the Credit tab.

Online Search


Online Search allows you to search by personnel, the exam ID, or by the organization. Next you choose the date range you wish to search, and finally check the boxes of the information that you want to see.


Search for the exam records belonging to one person. Select whether to search for that user's last name, first name, user name, ID number, or email address. Enter as much of the name or number as you can, and all of the users that have matching or similar information will be presented when you click the Search button.


Search for the exam records that have been proctored by one person. Select whether to search for that proctor's last name, first name, user name, or ID number. Enter as much of the name or number as you can, and all of the users that have matching or similar information will be presented when you click the Search button.

Exam ID

Search for records belonging to one exam. Enter the identification number of the exam you wish to search for. If you enter an invalid number and click the Search button, you will be able to return to this search window.


Search for exam records belonging to users who are in one organization. Select the organization from the drop-down menu.

From Date & To Date

If you select, "By Organization" you will be asked to specify a start (From) and end (To) date. Enter the dates (up to 30 days) between which you want to search for exam records. Use the drop-down menus or calendar button to select dates.

Display on report...

Exam ID: Check this box to display the unique identification number of the exam.

Start Date: Check this box to display the date that the course event (associated with this exam) became available.

Student Name: Check this box to display the name of the users who took the exam.

Completed Date: Check this box to display the date on which users completed the exam.

User Name: Check this box to display the unique code assigned to the user for identification within VISION Learning Station.

Exam Score: Check this box to display the grade that each learner earned on the test.

Exam Title: Check this box to display the name of the course event that this exam was a part of.

Pass Score: Check this box to display the grade that the learners must achieve in order to pass this exam.

Company: Check this box to display the organization associated with this exam.

Pass: Check this box to display whether or not the learner passed the exam.

Proctor: Check this box to display the first and last name of the user who proctored the exam, if applicable.

Enable Signature: Check this box to add a signature line to the report.

Signature Title: Enter a title that you wish to use with the signature line in front of "Name" and "Signature".

Search Button

When you have entered your search criteria, click the Search button. This will not generate the report, but will bring you to a list of likely report candidates for you to select from.


The Credit search gives you the organization and date range to find exam records that are Credit/No Credit. Note that the Credit grading method is no longer available, but this report option has been kept to view historical credit exams.


Search for exam records belonging to users who are in one organization. Select the organization from the drop-down menu.

From Date & To Date

To search a date range, specify a start (From) and end (To) date. Enter the dates (up to 30 days) between which you want to search for exam records. Use the drop-down menus or calendar button to select dates.

Search Button

When you have entered your search criteria, click the Search button.

Exam Completion Record


Click on a record to view details about the exam.

Organization: The name of the VISION Learning Station organization associated with both the user and the exam.

From Date/ To Date: The date range used in your search, if applicable. This will only appear if you use dates as your method of searching.

HTML/PDF: Create an HTML or PDF version of this report.

Print Button: Click this button to open your printer settings and print the information on the screen.

List Display

Click on an entry to generate an Exam Results Summary.

Exam: The unique identification number of the exam.

Learner: The full first and last name of the user as it has been entered into VISION Learning Station.

Exam Title: The name of the course associated with the exam and the unique identification number of the exam.

Score: The percent grade that the user earned on the exam.

Organization: The name of the VISION Learning Station organization associated with both the user and the exam.

Date Completed: The date on which the user finished the course event.

Pass: Whether the user passed the exam, "yes" or "no".

Exam Results Summary

exam results summary_zoom25

Review question information and the user's performance on each exam question.

Name: The full first and last name of the user as it has been entered in VISION Learning Station.

Site: The organization that the user and the exam is associated with.

Course Event: The title of the course event for which the user took the exam.

Lesson: The name of the lesson within the course that the exam is attached to.

Proctor: The name of the user who monitored the exam, if applicable.

Date Completed: The date on which the user finished the exam.

Exam ID: The unique identification number of the exam.

Passing: The score that users must attain to pass the exam.

Questions Correct: The number of questions on the exam that the user answered correctly.

Result: The user's status in regards to this exam and his or her numerical score.

Exam Result Summary Display List

Question #: The order in which the question was presented on the exam.

Objective: The "Behavior Statement" of the objective with which the question is associated.

Question ID: The unique identification number of the question.

Question Type: The two-letter code that designates the style of question:

oMA: Matching

oTF: True/False

oMC: Multiple Choice

Student Response: The answer choice that the user selected.

Correct Answer: The answer choice that is marked as correct in VISION.

Correct: Whether the user answered the question correctly - "Y" for "Yes" and "N" for "No".