Qualification Completion Records
Search for the qualification records belonging to one person. Select whether to search for that user's last name, first name, user name, user account number or email address. Enter as much of the name or number as you can, and all users with matching or similar information will be presented when you click the Search button.
Search for qualification records belonging to users who are in one organization. Select the organization from the drop-down menu.
If you select, "By Organization" you will be asked to specify a start (From) and end (To) date. Enter the dates (up to 30 days) between which you want to search for qualification records. Use the drop-down menus or calendar button to select dates.
When you have entered your search criteria, click this button to get your results.
View learners' status on qualification cards.
•ID: The unique identification number of the qualification card in the VISION Qualifications module.
•Title: The name of the qualification card.
•Username: The unique identification name used to log into the VISION Learning Station.
•First Name: The first name of the user as entered into the VISION Learning Station module.
•Last Name: The last name of the user as entered into the VISION Learning Station.
•Status: The learner's current progress on the qual card:
oIncomplete: The user has started, but not completed the qualification.
oPass: The user has completed the qualification and has met the required score.
oExempt: The user is receiving credit for the qualification without completing it.
oFail: The user has completed the qualification but has not met the required score.
oExpired: The qualification period has ended and the user did not complete this qualification.
oDisqualified: The user is not qualified on this qualification card.
•Completed Date: The date on which the learner completed this qualification.
•View Button: Click the View button to see the Task Qualification Summary associated with the selected qualification.
•Create PDF Button: Click this button to generate a PDF file of the data on this page. •Print Button: Click this button to open your printer settings to print the data on this page. •Task: The title of the task •Task ID: The unique identification number of the task entered into the VISION Developer module, or the system ID if there is no unique ID. •Name: The name of the learner. •Trainer: The name of the VISION Learning Station trainer who trained this task. •Training Docs: Click this badge to display any documentation uploaded by the trainer. •Training Completed: Date on which training was performed. •Comments (Training): Any comments left by the trainer. •Evaluator: The name of the VISION Learning Station evaluator who evaluated this task. •Evaluation Docs: Click this badge to display any documentation uploaded by the evaluator. •Date Completed: Date on which evaluation was completed. •Comments (Evaluation): Any comments left by the evaluator. •Critical Task: Whether or not this task has been marked as "critical" in the VISION Developer module. •Must Perform Task: Whether this task has been marked as "Must Perform" in the VISION Developer module. •Result: The learner's current progress on the qual card. oIncomplete: The user has started, but not completed the qualification. oPass: The user has completed the qualification and has met the required score. oExempt: The user is receiving credit for the qualification without completing it. oFail: The user has completed the qualification but has not met the required score. oExpired: The qualification period has ended and the user did not complete this qualification. oDisqualified: The user is not qualified on this qualification card. •Task Steps: The list of steps associated with this task in the VISION Developer module. |