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VISION User Guide

Course Records


Report Type

Course Completion List: Use the course record search to find information regarding the lessons that learners have taken and completed.

Event Completion: View a printable report with the learner's lesson scores and exam information.

Course Completion Matrix: Generate a printable spreadsheet showing which courses users have completed.

Course Completion Credit Hours: View a report or generate an Excel spreadsheet listing the certification hours learners have earned over a specified time period.

Aggregated Course Summary Report: View a report listing courses along with course event and user completion data.

All Enrollments - Active Personnel: View an exportable list of learners enrolled in this course along with completion data and score.

Did Not Pass Personnel: This report shows people that are “In Job” for job positions that have a 'User Defined ID' of OPERATOR that have not passed or completed the course.


Search for the course completions belonging to one person. Select whether to search for that user's last name, first name, user name, ID number or email address. Enter as much of the name or number as you can, and all users with matching or similar information will be presented when you click the Search button.


Search for the course completions that were taught by one instructor. Select whether to search for that user's last name, first name, user name or ID number. Enter as much of the name or number as you can, and all users with matching or similar information will be presented when you click the Search button.

VLS Course Id (present with Aggregated Course Summary Report)

Enter the system generated identification number for the course you want to find.


Search for course completions belonging to users who are in one organization. Select the organization from the drop-down menu.

From Date & To Date

If you select, "By Organization" you will be asked to specify a start (From) and end (To) date. Enter the dates (up to 30 days) between which you want to search for exam records. Use the drop-down menus or calendar button to select dates.

Search Button

When you have entered your search criteria, click this button to get your results.

Completed Student Course Event Report

View a list of completed course events.


Click on a course event line to view the Event Completion.

ID: The unique identification number assigned to this course event.

Title: The name of this course event.

Username: The unique code assigned to the user for identification within VISION Learning Station.

First Name: The full first name of the user as it has been entered into VISION Learning Station.

Last Name: The full last name of the user as it has been entered into VISION Learning Station.

Status: Whether the learner passed or failed the course event.

Completed Date: The date on which the learner submitted the evaluation.

Event Completion

View a printable report with the learner's lesson scores and exam information.


(Learner Name): The name of the selected learner.

Print Button: Click this button to open your printer properties and print the information on this page.

Training Event: The title of the course event.

Start Date: The day that the course event became available to users.

End Date: The day that the course event will no longer be available, if applicable.

Status: Whether the learner passed or failed the course event.

Score: The selected user's score on the lesson.

Event Completion Date: The date on which the learner completed the course event.

Event Completion Display List

Lesson Title: The name of the lesson(s) that make up the course.

Start Date: The day that the lesson became available to users.

End Date: The day that the lesson will no longer be available, if applicable.

Instructor: The first and last name of the user who is assigned to manage the course event.

Completion Link: The selected user's score on the lesson. Click on the  link to view the Exam Detail or Performance Assessment for the lesson.

Lesson Completion Date: The date on which the learner completed the lesson.

Documents: View any documents uploaded for this lesson.

Course Completion Matrix

Generate a printable spreadsheet showing which courses users have completed.


First Name: The full first name of the user as it has been entered into VISION Learning Station.

Last Name: The full last name of the user as it has been entered into VISION Learning Station.

User Name: The unique code assigned to the user for identification within VISION Learning Station.

(Course Name and Score): Each course is listed with the user's score for the course event. N/A indicates that the user has not taken the particular course.

Course Completion Credit Hours

View a report or generate an Excel spreadsheet listing the certification hours learners have earned over a specified time period.


Organization: The organization you selected when you rand the report.

From Date & To Date: The date range you selected when you ran the report.

Export button: Click this button to copy, print, or export this report.

Display List

Name: The last and first names of the learner as it was entered into the VISION Learning Station.

NERC Cert Number: User defined coding entered in the "User Defined ID" field in the Learner's record in the VISION Learning Station.

ILA Course Title: The title of the training unit as entered into the VISION Developer module.

Course Name: The name of the course as entered into the VISION Developer module.

Date Completed: The date on which learner passed the course.

Continuing Eduction Hours (CEH): The number of CEH hours that the learner earned from this course, if applicable.

Simulation Hours (SIM): The number of SIM hours that the learner earned from this course, if applicable.

Standard Hours (Stand): The number of STAND hours that the learner earned from this course, if applicable.

Aggregated Course Summary Report

View a report listing courses along with course event and user completion data.


Organization: The organization you selected when you rand the report.

From & To: The time period you selected for the report.

Display List

VLS Course ID: The unique identification number assigned to this course in the VISION Learning Station.

Course Title: The name of the course as entered into the VISION Developer module.

VDM PID: The training unit's identification number in the VISION Developer module.

VDM Version ID: The ID number of the version of the VDM training unit upon which this course is based.

All Enrollments - Active Personnel button: View an exportable list of learners enrolled in this course along with completion data and score.

Did Not Pass Personnel button: This report shows people that are “In Job” for job positions that have a 'User Defined ID' of OPERATOR that have not passed or completed the course.

Events Menu

This indicates that there are course events marked as "active" associated with this course. Click the blue number to display the event.


Event ID: The unique system-generated identification number of the course event.

Event Name: The name of the course that this course event will deliver.

Event Start Date: The date on which learners will be able to interact with the lesson material.

Event End Date: The date on which learners will no longer be able to interact with the lesson material.

Number of Attendees: The number of learners assigned to the course event.

Instructor Name: The last and first name of the VISION Learning Station user assigned to be the learner's point of contact during the course event.

All Enrollments - Active Personnel

View an exportable list of learners enrolled in this course along with completion data and score.


(Course Event): The name of the course that this course event will deliver.

Export to Excel button: Click this button to copy, print, or export this report.

(Number):  The order in which the learners appear on this report.

Event ID: The unique system-generated identification number of the course event.

Event Start Date: The date on which learners will be able to interact with the lesson material.

Date Completed: The date on which learner passed the course, if applicable.

Learner ID: The unique system-generated identification number associated with this learner in the VISION Learning Station.

Score: The learner's score on the course event.

Status: Whether the learner passed or failed the course event.

Name: The last and first name of the learner, as entered in the VISION Learning Station.

Domain: This is the "Domain" of the learner's email address.

NERC Cert: User defined coding entered in the "User Defined ID" field in the Learner's record in the VISION Learning Station.

Organization: The primary organization that this learner is assigned to.

Assigned Jobs: The organization's job positions that this learner is assigned to.

Assigned Quals: The qualifications that this learner is assigned to.

Did Not Pass Personnel

This report shows people that are “In Job” for job positions that have a 'User Defined ID' of OPERATOR that have not passed or completed the course.


(Course Event): The name of the course that this course event will deliver.

Export to Excel button: Click this button to copy, print, or export this report.

(Number): The order in which the learners appear on this report.

Learner ID: The unique system-generated identification number associated with this learner in the VISION Learning Station.

Name: The last and first name of the learner, as entered in the VISION Learning Station.

Assigned Quals: The qualifications that this learner is assigned to.