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VISION User Guide

Learner Feedback Search

Learner Feedback Records

Learner Feedback Resolution

Learner Feedback Search


Question ID

Enter the VISION Developer module system identification number to the question for which the feedback was entered.


Select the organization from the drop-down menu.

From Date & To Date

If you select, "By Organization" you will be asked to specify a start (From) and end (To) date. Enter the dates (up to 30 days) between which you want to search for exam records. Use the drop-down menus or calendar button to select dates.


Click the Archived button to view only feedback that has been archived, or stored for records keeping purposes.

Search Button

When you have entered your search criteria, click this button to get your results.

Learner Feedback Records


Click on the row to view details regarding the feedback and to add comments or email the learner.

Exam ID: The unique identification number assigned to the exam that the learner left feedback on. Note that if the Exam ID is "(Preview)", this feedback was left during a preview of the exam and you will not be able to view or respond to it.

Question ID: The unique identification number of the question for which the learner left feedback.

Student: The first and last name of the learner who left the feedback.

Exam Date: The date that the learner took the exam for which they left this feedback.

Feedback: Part of the feedback left by the learner.

Response: Whether a response has been sent to the learner regarding the feedback yet. "Open" indicates that a response has not yet been sent.

Organization: The VISION Learning Station organization that the user belongs to.

Learner Feedback Resolution

Question/Feedback Tab


The feedback and the question that prompted the feedback are displayed here.

First, in the yellow box, is the feedback and information on the learner who submitted it.

Next, the question is displayed as it would appear on a test.

Resolution Tab


Issue has been viewed: This box marks feedback that has been reviewed. When you email your resolution to the learner, this box will become checked permanently (though the resolution will still be editable). Until that time you can check or uncheck this box.

(Enter feedback Text Box): Enter the resolution that you feel is appropriate for the feedback, question, or any notes about how you are coming to this resolution. Adding additional notes will not delete the old ones.

Email Resolution to Learner Button: Click this button to email the resolution information to the learner. The email consists of the question ID, date, and the feedback that the learner left as well as the response entered into the resolution text box. When you do this the "Mark Issue as Noted" checkbox will become checked.

Update Issue Button: Click this button when you have made changes to the feedback issue.

Archive Issue: Click this button when the feedback is no longer being used, and needs to be kept only for record keeping purposes.

Details Tab


Date: The date on which this feedback was entered.

Learner: The first and last name and identification number of the learner who left the feedback.

Exam: The title and identification number of the test on which the learner left feedback.

Question ID:  The unique identification number of the question for which the learner left feedback.

Proctor: The name and unique identification number of the user who monitored the exam, if applicable.