This panel shows the Internet-ready content sections that have been authored for this objective.
It does NOT include the native Word and PowerPoint documents authored above, although it may contain HTML conversions of those documents, which can be generated using the Convert to HTML actions.
A checkmark here makes the content section in that row available for delivery in the Learning Station. Only checkmarked content sections appear on the Design tab of a training unit. Sections not marked as Deliverable do not even show up there.
Marking a content section as Deliverable doesn't automatically deliver it in the Learning Station. It must also be marked for actual delivery. That's the purpose of the Deliver checkbox that appears both on this panel and on the Design tab of program training units.
Why not mark every content section as Deliverable? One reason is that a content section may be in a state of development or revision, and not yet ready for presentation. Leaving "Deliverable" unchecked prevents the unwanted selection of that section for delivery.
The type of content.
The title of the content. To edit the title, double-click on a row or choose "Rename" from the Actions menu.
The "Deliver" checkbox seen here in this panel governs which content sections appear in other contexts in the Learning Station, outside the lesson context. For instance, where the Learning Station presents objective content for test question remediation, or as supporting material for a task in a qualification card, this "Deliver" checkbox controls which content sections from this objective are presented (delivered) there.
Note that the Design tab on the program training unit workscreen has its own "Deliver" checkbox, for controlling which deliverable content sections from this objective are presented in that training unit.
Relevant when there are multiple content sections in the list, the order indicates the sequence in which the sections marked for delivery are presented.
To change the order, uncheck the "Deliver" checkbox in each row, and then re-check those boxes in the desired order of presentation.
Note that a program training unit (a lesson, loosely speaking) has its own controls for governing which content sections of an objective are to be delivered for that training unit, and in what sequence. The "Deliver" and "Order" columns seen here concern non-training unit contexts only.
For instance, where the Learning Station presents objective content as supporting material for a task on a qualification card, or for test question remediation, the "Deliver" and "Order" settings appearing here control which content sections are delivered in those contexts.
Open whichever application you select from this menu, for the purpose of creating content that can afterward be encapsulated as a "Custom HTML" content section for this objective.
Background: An objective content section can be composed of any HTML file or set of integrated HTML files. To make a content section from such material, use the Add Custom HTML menu item. That action opens a file browser for you to select the file(s).
But how do you create such HTML files in the first place? Since VISION does not have an authoring system of its own, you can't author the content in VISION. The purpose of the "Launch Application" menu is to provide a convenient shortcut for starting an external application for developing the HTML content.
See Also: Launch Application
•Add Custom HTML: Create a new content section from an HTML file or integrated set of HTML files.
•Add PDF: Create a new content section from a PDF file.
•Add AICC: Create a new content section from selected AICC files.
•Add Video: Create a new content section consisting of a video. This action will open a dialog box in which you can enter or edit the address (URL) and other attributes of a video file. Four kinds of video are supported: Flash, QuickTime, Real Media, and Windows Media.
•Add External URL: External URL will add content to a VISION Learning Station lesson directly from the web address (URL) that you provide. Note its Limitations.
Delete the selected content section.
Rename the selected content section. You can also double-click on a section to rename it.
Replace or edit the selected content section, depending on the type of content. For instance, updating a Custom HTML section consists of re-selecting the HTML file(s) for it, while updating a Video presents for editing the current properties of that video.
Update is not permitted for a content section that comes from the Word or PowerPoint documents above. The proper way to update that kind of content section is to first click the "Edit Word" or "Edit PowerPoint" button and later click the "Convert to HTML" button when you have finished editing.
Check the box in this column to make the content section in that row available for delivery in the Learning Station. The other checkbox—the "Deliver" checkbox—can be checked only for those sections marked "Deliverable".
See also the description of Deliverable.
Check the box in this column to deliver the content section in that row. That means the content section will be shown in the Learning Station in places where this objective's content is shown. One example is when content is shown as supporting material for a task in a qualification card.
An exception is objective content for lessons: A program training unit has its own controls for selecting which (deliverable) content sections will be shown for each objective sequenced in that training unit.
See also the description of Deliver.
See what the content section will look like when seen in the Learning Station. This action extracts the content into temporary files that get deleted after you finish previewing the content.
Preview shows the content in a browser window (e.g., Internet Explorer), which might open behind VISION. So look for it on your taskbar if it isn't initially visible.
Viewing the content requires the creation of temporary files on your computer. When you're finished viewing the content, click the button that VISION presents for cleaning up those temporary files.
Show the list of revisions for this Word document or PowerPoint presentation. Only Approved versions of the material are saved as part of Versioning.
Copy the content section to files on your computer, in the folder of your choosing. This is something you might do in order to edit a content section. That is, after editing the local copy, you can use the Update action to replace the old section.
Since this is just a copy of the content, it doesn't matter what happens to it. You could edit the copy and then update the VISION content section from that temporary folder, as mentioned above. But bear in mind that the source content files may already reside elsewhere, in some proper, or official, location. If that is the case, then that other location would be the more proper place to do the editing and updating.
Use this interface to edit the menu of applications to launch for authoring e-learning content for this objective's treatment in the VISION Learning Station.
This menu is private to this computer. That is, each VISION workstation maintains its own entries for this menu (in the Windows Registry). So any changes you make here do not affect other computers.
Note that an item on this menu only launches the application. It doesn't automatically save authored content to the VISION database. After you create content using the launched application, you will need to use menu item Add Custom HTML (on the Actions menu) to input that content into the VISION database.
These are the items on the menu, listed in their order of appearance on the menu. Select an item to view or edit its properties in the fields below this list. As a convenience, double-clicking on an item moves the cursor to the Menu Item Title field.
Remember that this list is specific to this computer only. So whatever you do to this list doesn't affect other VISION users.
•New: Add a new item to the menu. After clicking New, fill in the fields below for the new item. New items are added to the bottom of the list, but you can reposition them using the arrow keys.
•Delete: Delete the item selected in the list above.
•Up/Down Arrows: Use these arrow buttons to rearrange the order of the items on the menu. They reposition whichever item is currently selected in the list above.
•Visible: This checkbox controls whether this item is visible on the menu. Why would you ever uncheck this box? Perhaps you wish to hide an item for now, while preserving its information in order to easily reinstate it in the future. Invisible items appear in a highly faded color in the list above (more faded than disabled items).
•Enabled: This checkbox controls whether this item is enabled on the menu. You may be unable to think of a reason for disabling an item, but you can do so if you like. Disabled items appear in a faded color in the list above.
•Menu Item Title: This is the text that will appear on the actual menu. You can elaborate on it by entering a description in the Tip field. The tip text appears in a popup window alongside the menu item.
•Menu Item Tip: Optional. The text entered here appears as a popup tip when the menu is displayed and the mouse is positioned over the menu item. When the Browse button is used, the application path gets copied into the tip, if the tip is empty at the time.
•Application Path: This is the path to the executable program. It gets filled in when you use the Browse button to navigate to and select the executable file. But you can also type the path or paste it in, if you like.
•Browse: Click here to browse to and select the application that the menu item will launch. Normally, this will be an .EXE file.
•Application Parameters: Optional. Some applications accept optional "parameters", aka "arguments" or "command-line options". Enter these here if necessary. If the parameters includes a file path, and that path has spaces in it, then you should enclose the whole path inside double quotes, so that it is interpreted by the application as a single parameter instead of several.
Adding Various Types of Content
Classifying Instructional Objectives