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VISION User Guide

Compatibility in Microsoft Office

If you use Office 2003 you will have to download a "compatibility pack" to take advantage of newer Office formats.

Compatibility Pack:

If you use a newer version of Office and wish to display or edit Office documents or presentations made before Office 2007, you will need to use "compatibility mode" to do so. VISION does its best to detect the format content was saved in, and to present it to the user in the correct mode when requested. Office will also do some automatic version detecting, and some of that is based on the templates you are using for VISION.

If your organization upgrades your version of Office, you should open each of the Word templates you have declared in the security program, one by one. Use the "convert" feature to get them up to date, and then save them. That will ensure that you generate new content that is detected as being at the level of your current version of Office.

Word And PowerPoint Actions

New/Edit a Document or Presentation

Plus1 Documents

Plus1 Presentations

Delete a Document or Presentation

Plus1 Documents

Plus1 Presentations

Convert a Document or Presentation to HTML

Plus1 Documents

Plus1 Presentations

Convert a Presentation to MP4 Video

This action is enabled only when this objective has a PowerPoint presentation for offline content.

This action converts the PowerPoint presentation into an MP4 video, suitable for delivery in a web-based interface such as the VISION Learning Station.

Converting to MP4 will add an entry to the Web Based modules list below (or update an existing entry if re-converting). From that list you can select which content will appear in the VISION Learning Station for this objective.

View Past Versions

List past approved versions of this content section (i.e., the Word document or PowerPoint presentation). From the list you can select and view past versions of the content.

VISION only retains past versions of content that are approved. Non-approved versions are simply overwritten when they are edited.

An approved version of a content section is one that was in place at the time the objective was Approved. Thus there won't be any past approved versions of the content if there is no previous approved version of the objective, or if the content section hasn't changed since the objective was first approved.

Copy Local

Copy the Word document or PowerPoint presentation your computer, in the folder of your choosing.

Since this is just a copy of the content, it doesn't matter what happens to it.

Content Presentation

Eventually you'll want to present the Word or PowerPoint content to the learner. Create a document or presentation by clicking on Outcomes on the Main Menu and selecting Microsoft Office Document.

Web-Based Learning Content Modules

The content may also be presented to the learner via the VISION Learning Station. In the Web-Based Learning Content Modules section of the objective Content, you control what content the Learning Station will present.