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VISION User Guide

This is an explanation of what might appear for you on the quick links page. The items here depend on your site's license, security role, active events, and your status as a trainer or evaluator. The Quick Links page has two tab:

Quick Links Tab

Requests Tab

Quick Links Tab

This tab provides links to courses, qualifications, and reports that need your attention.

Active Courses/Testing Area

Click this link to view a list of the courses events currently assigned to you. This information can also be found in My Courses in the Training menu.


Click this link to view a list of the qualification events currently assigned to you. This information can also be found in Qualification in the Training menu.

Supervisor Role Reports

If you are a supervisor, click this link to view reports regarding the learners you are supervising. This is a shortcut to the User Properties and Reports for the learners you supervise. There are two tabs, 'Supervised by Job' and 'Directly Supervised' but both provide the same information. These tabs indicate how you have been assigned as a supervisor.

Supervised by Job: Supervisors are assigned to a Job Position node in an Organization that has a Supervisor Role.  

Directly Supervised: Supervisors are assigned to users in their User Properties.

Plus1Training Expiration Report

File Upload/Download

This option is only open to users with the Site Administrator and Administrator security level.

Click this link to open a window to upload or download a file from the VISION Learning Station. Click the Browse button to select a file and then click the Upload File button. Click the file's link in the Download File section to download it.

This file upload/download interface is not related to the file upload/download interface in User Records.


Plus1Qualification Routing Events

My Information

Click on the My Information link to see information on your user account as well as exam scores and percentage complete.

Create Action Tracking Item

Click the Create Action Tracking Item button to create a new action tracking item.

Certification Reports

Click the Certification Reports link to view learner's certification records.

Exam Proctoring Sessions

Click this link to add or manage existing proctoring sessions.

Requests Tab

This tab contains training, evaluation, and survey requests that require your response. If you are an evaluator or a trainer you will see all training or evaluation requests in these tabs.

Plus1Training Requests

Plus1Tasks to Train

Plus1Task Performance Evaluation

Plus1Evaluation Requests

Plus1Tasks to Evaluate


Click this link to view a list of the survey events currently assigned to you. This information can also be found in Surveys in the Training menu.