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VISION User Guide

For exam proctoring, exams will no longer be proctored by requesting a proctor's user name and password. Instead, an administrator proctor will create a "proctoring session" in Quick Links. With the session, a "session code" will be provided, which either the proctor,  proctor's assistant, or the student will then enter into a prompt on the proctoring screen.


A proctoring session consists of a name, start date, start time, and duration. The session code is only valid for its duration after the start date and time have passed. Any number of learners may use this code. Administrators may create proctoring codes on behalf of proctors, and users with the property “Can Proctor Exams” set to “yes” can create a proctoring session for themselves.

To add a proctoring session:

1.Go to Quick Links and click the "Exam Proctoring Sessions" link.

2.Click the +Add Session button

3.On the next screen, create a:

Name: The name of the proctoring session

Proctor: If being created by an administrator, the proctor's name may be selected here. For other users, this option is not available.

Start date and time: Date and time on which the session code will first be usable.

Duration (Days): The length of time for which the generated session code will be valid. The maximum may be set by an administrator to a number of days, with an upper limit of 365 days.

4.Click Save Session.

5.Copy, memorize, or distribute the generated Session Code as needed. The code will work only during the session duration.

CAUTION! Session codes may be used on multiple exams.


NOTE: The time value may be entered for a prior time, so if you want the code to be valid for only a two hours, set the start date to yesterday's date, and time to two hours from the current time. Set Duration (below), to 1 day.



Session codes will be entered in masked characters, so that neither test-takers nor the browser will be able to see and remember it.