To change the look of the VISION Learning Station and Web modules to match your organization's branding, follow these instructions.
1.Locate the flc-custom-focus.css file in Styles folder.
2.Back-up and rename the flc-custom-focus.css file in case you want to revert to it.
3.Modify the following styles in the flc-custom-focus.css to your preferences.
.loginBackground Background color of login screen. You can also change background to a full page image. |
.logoBox Login screen logo image. Replace with path to your company’s logo (350px width). |
.logoBoxContentExam Logo image on Lesson and Exam delivery. Replace with path to your company’s logo (50px width). |
#left-navigation Background color of the left navigation panel |
#top-header-logo Background color of the logo in the upper left. |
#site-logo Logo image in upper left of admin module. Replace with path to your company’s logo (150px width). |
#top-header Background color of the header |
#top-header a, #top-header, #loggedInAs Color of text in the header |
#top-header a.header-hoverable:hover Header button hover background color |
.nav-left > li > a:hover Left navigation node hover background color |
.nav-left > li > a Left navigation node text color |
#top-navigation Top navigation background color |
.nav-top > li > a Top navigation node inactive text color |
.nav-left > > a Left Navigation node active text color |
.nav-top > > a Top Navigation node active text color |
.nav-top > li > a:hover Top navigation node hover background color |