The Routing Path is a list of people who will approve a qualification before it can be "complete". Once each participant approves the qualification it will automatically be routed to the next participant. After the final participant has approved the qualification, it is complete.
Qualifications on the routing path will display "Pass (Awaiting Routing Path Approval) Currently routed to [name of participant]".
Each participant on the routing path will receive an email alerting them of the waiting qualification. The learner will also receive an email updating them of the qual's current status.
The Routing Path History Button on the Qualification's Status tab displays a list of the routing path and the action each participant on the routing path took.
•(Job Position & Qual Title): The name of the learner's job position and the name of the qualification card.
•Learner Name: The last and first name of the learner you selected.
•Date Started: The date on which the qualification was assigned to the learner.
•Date Qualified: The date on which the learner finished the qualification.
•Expiration Date: The date on which the qualification will expire.
•Export button: Select from several options to export this data into a file.
•Sequence: The order in which the qual card was sent to each Approver.
•Action: What the approver did when the qual was routed to them, either:
oApproved it and sent it further along the routing path (Green check).
oSent it back to the previous approver (if, for example, they needed to attach documentation (Yellow arrow).
oDisapproved the qual (Red X).
•Approver: The name of the person on this step of the routing path.
•Comments: Any comments left by the approver.
•Date Completed: The most recent date on which the learner completed the qualification.
•Documents: Whether the Approver uploaded any documents as part of their Action. These will be available on the Documents tab.
View or upload documents pertaining to the course event, such as course rosters.
•Original File Name: This is the file name of the document that was uploaded. Click on the blue name link to download the file.
•Document Title: The title entered for the document by the user who uploaded it.
•Created By: The name of the Approver who uploaded the document.
•Date Created: The date on which the document was uploaded.
•Detail: Click the magnifying glass button to change the Document Title, add a comment, Delete the document, or download it.