Certifications, or certification hours, are a way to track a learner's experience with specific types of courses. Training units (lessons) in the VISION Developer module are worth various numbers of certification hours, and when a learner completes one of these courses in the VISION Learning Station, those hours are counted on the Learner's Certification Record.
The process of creating certifications in VISION is lengthy, but once complete, they require very little effort to maintain.
1.Set up Certification tables in the VISION Developer Module.
2.Link Training Units to Certification hours in the VISION Developer Module.
3.Create a Certification in the VISION Learning Station.
4.Associate the Certification with Organizations, Jobs, and Learners.
5.Add Requirements to the Certification.
6.Add Rules to Requirements.
7.Add a Certification Record for each Learner assigned to the Certification.
Once all of these steps are complete learners will accumulate certification hours as they complete course events.
See the Certification Job Aids for help completing this process.
Click the Filter button to select from a variety of filters to organize the list of certifications.
•Organization: Choose the organization associated with the certifications you want to view.
•Status: Select certifications with either the Active (in use), Archived (no longer in use), or Historical (updated to VISION Learning Station, but not usable) statuses.
•Sort By: Choose whether to sort certifications by name or their system-generated identification numbers.
Click the Search button to enter criteria to find specific certifications.
Select the radio button for the criteria to run a search on. You can search by Organization along with one of the other choices.
•NERC Certification Number: If you know the ID number for the certification, click the radio button and enter it in the text box.
•Certification Title: If you know the title or part of the title for the certification, click the radio button and enter it in the text box.
•Organization: If you know the organization, click the radio button and choose it from the drop-down list.
•Status: If you want to search on a specific status, select the appropriate one:
oActive: Ready to be presented to learners through a course event.
oInactive: Not ready to be presented to learners through a course event.
oHistorical: Updated to VISION Learning Station, but not usable in VISION Learning Station.
•Search Button: Click this button to search for certifications that meet the criteria you have entered. If none match your criteria, you can click the Back button and search again.
•Certification Search Results: The results page lists the certifications that match your search criteria. This page is similar to the Certification List.
Click the Add Certification button to create a new certifications and see the Add Certification Job Aid for instructions.
The certification list only displays the items that match the filter setting you've used. If you're not seeing the items you expect, check your Filter settings.
The certification's unique identification in the VISION Developer module.
The name of the certification. Click on the link to view the certification's properties.