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VISION User Guide

To enter Task Analysis information in VISION:

1.On the Main Menu select "Workbench", then "Analysis Activities" and choose the "Task Analysis" activity. The task analysis activity is actually just a continuation of the job analysis activity. You will use the same Analysis Hierarchy window as used when performing a job analysis.

2.If the Open Analysis Work Area window appears, select the work area that contains the tasks you want to analyze. Then click OK.

3.In the Task Analysis Workbench that appears, expand the hierarchy so that you can see the tasks. Decide which task you want to analyze.

4.Double-click on the text of the task to open the Task Properties workscreen.

5.If needed, modify the task statement (the Text field).

6. Click on the Conditions tab; then enter the conditions under which the task is to be performed (see steps below).

7. Click on the Standards tab; then enter the standards that define the indicators of task proficiency (see steps below).

8.Click the Analysis tab and change the Analysis Status to Developing.

9.Click the OK button to save the task properties.

10.Now you can use the Analysis Hierarchy Assistant to enter the elements (steps) and the skill/knowledge components of the task. Click Node on the Main Menu and select Analysis Assistant from the Main Menu.

11.Once you are finished analyzing the task, double-click on the text of the task and click the Analysis tab. Change the Analysis Status to Reviewing if the task needs to be reviewed or Completed if the analysis is complete. Click the OK button to save your changes.

12.Repeat the process to analyze the remaining tasks.

To enter conditions, follow these steps:

1.Click the New button.

2.In the window "Edit Current Condition:" type in one condition.

3.Click the Save button.

4.Repeat this process to enter additional conditions.

To enter standards, follow these steps:

1.Click the New button.

2.In the window "Edit Current Standard:" type in one standard.

3.Click the Save button.

4.Repeat the process to enter additional standards.

What’s next?

Do you want to produce special documents now? For example, you can produce:

Job Qualification Card

Task Performance Evaluation

You may even be able to produce worthwhile Work Procedures.

In order to prepare the documents, you still need to make cross reference links. From the Main Menu, select Cross Reference and Open.

If you're ready to move on to the design activities, select Workbench, Design Activities, and Objective Design from the Main Menu. The first design activity is usually to create a Training Objectives Hierarchy from your task analysis data.

Tips for Performing a Task Analysis

Plus1 Think about the outcomes (special documents) you want

Plus1 Sometimes it's best to focus your analysis on work procedures

Plus1 Sometimes it helps to focus on producing Task Performance Evaluations

Plus1 There are two ways to create a Job and Task Analysis Hierarchy

Related Topics

How to trace the audit trail of a selected objective

How to color hierarchy components to see selected attributes

Plus1 How to 'unconsolidate' a skill or knowledge component from an objective

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Plus1 Which Project am I Logged into?

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