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VISION User Guide

What is SK bundling?

Groups of  Tasks may have common Skills and Knowledge items that may be trained together as prerequisites or as cognitive front-matter. These SKs are not entry skills and knowledge, which need not be documented in a Job Analysis. Instead, these are individual SKs (that apply to whole groups of tasks) in which the learners will receive instruction during initial and/or continuing training.

It would be both inefficient and unmanageable to share such SKs between all of the related tasks. There will likely be a large number of both SKs and related Tasks, so VISION accommodates a method to identify these common SKs through a method called "bundling."

How bundling works

Ordinarily, SKs are placed into an Analysis Hierarchy as part of a Task Analysis. A Task has multiple steps or Elements, and the SKs fall under the Elements they support. It is from these SKs that enabling objectives supporting the Task's Terminal Objective are derived.

Common SKs are treated differently. Rather than share them under every Element that needs it, they may be bundled together at a higher level of the Job Analysis. SK bundles can be placed under an Organizer such as a Job, Responsibility Area, Function, Phase, or Task.  A single SK should be placed at the top level of all the Organizer's children. This SK acts like an Organizer; it should not be used to identify a real Skill or Knowledge statement. It is under this SK organizer that all of the other SKs related to that organizer are placed as children.  


In the example screenshot below, three SKs common to all (or many) Tasks under the Maintenance Responsibility Area have been bundled together under an SK organizer. These SKs should be transformed into enabling learning objectives.



Fundamentals Objectives

Once the fundamental SKs are identified and bundled at the top of the organizer, you should create a similar organizer in the appropriate location in the Objectives Hierarchy. The fundamentals should be taught first, in advance of the more specific Skills and Knowledges for the Task. An example of how you might organize the bundled SKs into a group of fundamental objectives is shown below.



To organize SKs in a bundle:

Place a single organizing SK as the first child of an organizer. Note that it must be the first child. VISION will not permit an SK to be placed under

Place all bundled SKs as children of the organizer