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VISION User Guide

To perform a job analysis, follow these steps:

1.On the Main Menu select "Workbench", then "Analysis Activities" and choose the "Job Analysis" activity.

a.If a window displaying Project Work Areas appears, select the work area in which you want to perform or edit a job analysis. Then click the OK button.

b.If your project is divided into more than one analysis work area, the 'Open Analysis Work Area' window will appear so that you can select the work area you want.

c.If your project contains only one Analysis Work Area, this window will not appear. Continue with the next step in the job analysis process.

d.Note that you can also change projects from this display. This will be handy in the event that you logged into the wrong project.

2.Arrange the Analysis Hierarchy display, the Analysis Hierarchy Assistant workscreen, and this Cue Card so that you can see and understand what is going on.

a.The Analysis Hierarchy is the largest window in the display. Sometimes it helps to 'maximize' this display, since it forms the background and main workspace for your Job Analysis.

b.The Analysis Hierarchy Assistant workscreen is the smaller window. It appears over (on top of) the Analysis Hierarchy window.

c.The Cue Card you are reading might be in the way of areas that you need to see. Move it aside, or perhaps make it narrower, as needed, to arrange the three 'windows' for convenience.

3.In the Analysis Hierarchy,  select the level you want to analyze. This is likely to be the New Job Position.

4.Note the "Recommended level" on the Analysis Hierarchy Assistant workscreen. If you do not agree with a recommended level, toggle through the options; select the level you prefer.

5.In the area labeled "Enter text here" in the Analysis Hierarchy Assistant workscreen, enter the first component of the sub-level you are adding; then click the Add Last Child As button. This is likely to be a "Responsibility Area".

6.Enter each of the remaining components of the sub-level in the same way.

7.After you have added all of the components of the sub-level, click on any component of the new sub-level and continue the analysis as above.

8.Continue the analysis until every sub-level has been added and all of the tasks comprising the job appear in the Analysis Hierarchy display.

9.Click the Close button on the Analysis Hierarchy Assistant when you are finished.

What's next?

If you have completed the job analysis, you're ready to move on.

If you want to print job analysis reports now, open Reports from the Main Menu. At this point, the report you need is called the Job Analysis Hierarchy. You can also print the Master Task List, but certain parts of this report will be missing until you complete further activities.

To move on, the next activity is usually the Perform a Task Hazard Analysis (optional) or Select Tasks for Training and Retraining. You get there from the Main Menu Arrow Workbench Arrow Analysis Activities.

Tips for Performing a Job Analysis

Plus1A New Job Position

Plus1Using the Analysis Assistant to modify a hierarchy

Plus1Use the Advisor for analysis help

Plus1The difference between the Assistant and the Advisor

Plus1Here's a common error: Watch out!

Plus1Steps for Printing a Job Analysis

Related Topics

How to expand and collapse a hierarchy

Changing the level name of a hierarchy component

How to insert new hierarchy components without using the Assistant

How to delete components from a hierarchy

How to change projects

How to color hierarchy components to see selected attributes