Remember that any edits you make to the document don't last beyond that copy of the document. It is better to edit the content in the objectives themselves, in VISION. Then the changes last into subsequent generations of that and other reports.
You can always generate the document again very quickly and easily. This way, the document will always match the VISION database; it will always be up to date.
Currently, there is no difference between an Instructor or Student guide. If you wish to use features like Instructor Notes, see the VISION Content Tools & Outcomes Report instead.
To generate a Student or Instructor Guide follow these steps:
1.Open the Program Hierarchy and select the course or lesson for which you will generate the document.
2.Select Outcomes Microsoft Office Document from the Main Menu.
3.In the popup window that opens, expand the folders. Under "Office Reports", "Standard", "Documents", find the "Instructor-Student Guide" report.
4.Run that report by double-clicking on it, or by selecting it and clicking the Run button.
5.Next, the report will prompt you to choose between Student Guide and Instructor Guide. Make your selection and click the Continue button.
6.As VISION prepares your report, it will show you a progress window. A notification box will come up when the report has completed successfully. Click the OK button and click the Close button on the VISION Report Progress window. The generated Word document is now ready.