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Developing Training and Reference Materials

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Development activities parallel the steps of the Instructional Systems Development (ISD) process. In this chapter, we’ll show you how to develop training and reference materials.

What are training and performance support materials?

There are all kinds of training and performance support materials. In fact, the term performance support is still relatively new in the training industry. Its meaning varies widely among trainers. For our purposes, training materials can be defined as instructional documents that are organized by objectives. For each objective, there is expository information (core content), some type of learning activities (examples, demonstrations, etc.) and a practice at the end. There are self-study, individualized materials that fit this criteria, either print based, computer based or in other media. Instructor guided classroom materials, such as lesson plans, also fit these criteria.

Chapter Objectives

Objective Content Overview

Classifying Instructional Objectives

Adding Various Types of Content

Publishing Content for Online Delivery

Using E-Learning Tools with VISION

Add an introduction or a summary

Generate an Instructor or Student Guide Cue Card