•Program Exam Units: For each training unit in the list, specify how many questions are to be drawn from it, or what percentage of the exam questions should come from the unit.
oPopulate the list by dragging training units into it. Drag them from the program hierarchy, for example. If the list sequence is meaningful to you, you can rearrange the list items by dragging them up or down.
oTo choose what columns to display, right-click on the row of column headers. To reposition the columns, drag the column headers sideways.
•Exam: This is the current subject of this window, the "exam". It is the "Cognitive Exam Only" training unit that serves as a container for the units Program Exam Weighting listed below, which constitute the true exam units for the Learning Station's purposes.
•Remove: Remove the selected training units from the list above.
•Go to Hierarchy: Show where the selected unit is situated in the Program Hierarchy.
•Weighting Value: The number of questions to be drawn from the training unit selected in the list above, or what percentage of the exam questions should come from the unit.
•Weighting Type: Choose the weighting method here: by number of questions or percent of questions. Note that this setting applies to all units in the list, not just the selected unit.
oChanging the type also resets the weighting value for each unit to zero.
•All: The sum of the weighting values for each unit in the list. Depending on the weighting type, this sum represents either the total number of questions requested for the exam, or the total percentage of exam questions that the training units in the list shall supply to the exam.
oIf the weighting type is by percent, then, naturally, the total needs to add up to 100%.
•Clear All: Reset the weighting value for each exam unit to zero.