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VISION User Guide

Aggregated Evaluation Report

Aggregated Evaluation


Aggregated Evaluation Report


Organization: The organization you selected when you rand the report.

From & To: The time period you selected for the report.

VLS Course ID: The unique identification number assigned to this course in the VISION Learning Station.

Course Title: The name of the course as entered into the VISION Developer module.

VDM PID: The training unit's identification number in the VISION Developer module.

VDM Version ID: The ID number of the version of the VDM training unit upon which this course is based.

Events: This indicates that there are course events marked as "active" associated with this course. Click the blue number to display the event.

oEvent ID: The unique system-generated identification number of the course event.

oEvent Name: The name of the course that this course event will deliver.

oEvent Start Date: The date on which learners will be able to interact with the lesson material.

oEvent End Date: The date on which learners will no longer be able to interact with the lesson material.

oNumber of Attendees: The number of learners assigned to the course event.

oInstructor Name: The last and first name of the VISION Learning Station user assigned to be the learner's point of contact during the course event.

Course Evaluations: Click on the button to view Aggregated Evaluations. If there are no evaluations for this course a button will not be present.

Aggregated Evaluations

Aggregated evaluations reports were moved to the Reports area from the Records area in VLS 9.8. The reports permit a user to filter and sort by Event ID, Learner ID, and Instructor by clicking on the hyper-linked text in any report.


Question: The course evaluation's questions.

Average Rating: The average of the response type's values. If, for example, all of your response types associate positive numbers with satisfactory responses, you can use this value to judge the average response to the question. Click the Responses button to see each response by learner.

Response Type: The response type associated with this question.

Responses: The number of responses recorded for this question. Click the button to view the responses by learner.

oEvent ID: The unique identification number assigned to the course event. Click the linked ID to drill down by Course Event.

oLearner ID: The unique identification number assigned to the user. Click the linked ID to drill down by Learner.

oInstructor: The last and first name of the user administering the course event this evaluation is part of. Click the linked instructor name to drill down by instructor.

oResponse: The learner's response to the question.

oValue: The number associated with this response type. It indicates the order of the response but can also represent an objective score if you've set up your course evaluations to use it.

oFeedback: If a question asks for a learner to type into a text box, their response is displayed here.