To create or edit an Objective Hierarchy from a Task Analysis:
1.On the Main Menu select Workbench, then Design Activities and choose the Objective Design activity.
2.If a window displaying Project Work Areas appears, select the work area that contains the task analysis data from which you want to make objectives. Then click the OK button.
a.You can also change projects from this display. This will be handy in the event that you logged into the wrong project and do not want to log out of it.
3.Expand the Analysis hierarchy (left window) and the Objective hierarchy (right window) in the areas in which you want to work.
4.Decide which node in the Objective hierarchy will be the target node, or the node under which you would like to create terminal or enabling objectives. You may want to create an organizational level or levels first to organize your terminal objectives.
5.Create terminal objectives first. Start by deciding which task analysis component(s) you will use as the basis for the terminal objective(s).
6. To create a terminal objective, drag the task analysis component (usually a task) and drop it on the target in the Objective Hierarchy. Make the appropriate choices in the Confirm Drop dialog for making a terminal objective.
7.Repeat the process until you have created all of the terminal objectives you want to work with at this time.
8.To create Enabling Objectives for the terminal objectives, start by selecting which terminal objectives for which you would first like to create an enabling objectives.
9.In the task analysis window, select one or more task analysis components that you wish to use as the basis for the direct enabling objectives under the terminal objectives you have in mind.
10. Drag the highlighted task analysis component(s) and drop them on the target terminal objective. Make the appropriate choices in the Confirm Drop dialog.
11.Repeat the process until every task analysis component that you wish to use as the basis of a direct enabling objectives has been converted to an enabling objectives.
12.Consolidate the remaining task analysis components into objectives, as appropriate. Drag the task analysis components to be consolidated and drop them on the objective that will contain the consolidated components. Make the appropriate choices in the Confirm Drop dialog.
13.Arrange the enabling objectives within the Objective hierarchy, if desired.
14. Add any new objectives to the Objective hierarchy, as required.
To make a Terminal Objective, these are appropriate selections in the Confirm Drop dialog:
•What would you like to do? Create objective(s)
•Create as? Last child
•What would you like to create? Terminal Objective (choose Performance or Cognitive)
To make an Enabling Objective, these are appropriate selections in the Confirm Drop dialog:
•What would you like to do? Create objective(s)
•Create as? Last child
•What would you like to create? Enabling Objective (choose Performance or Cognitive)
Steps for Adding a New Objective Without Using Task Analysis:
1.Highlight the “target” objective. This is just the reference point for the next step.
2.Click the right mouse button to bring up the pop-up menu; then choose Insert, and select As Child, As Sibling Above, or As Sibling Below, as appropriate.
You can generate several reports.
•For one, you can generate an audit, "Objective Audit". This report checks to be sure that all analysis components have been addressed in the Objective Hierarchy.
•You can also generate an "Objective Hierarchy" report, and many other reports.
Both of these reports are available from the Reports window from Outcomes on the Main Menu.
When you have collected all the reports you need, your next step is to go into the objectives and write formal statements. Double-click on the objective in the hierarchy, and complete the required fields. It's easiest to do this through the Main Menu. Click Workbench, Design Activities, and select "Write Formal Objective Statements".
How to 'unconsolidate' a skill or knowledge component from an objective
Considering the Options (Options for Task Analysis Components)
Associated Links Between Analysis and Objective Nodes
How to color hierarchy components to see selected attributes
How to Move, Copy and Share hierarchy components