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Steps to Develop Complete Objective Statements

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To enter formal objective statements and properties:

1.On the Main Menu select "Workbench", then "Design Activities" and choose the "Write Formal Objective Statements" activity.

2.Expand the Objective Hierarchy in the area in which you want to work.

3.Access the Properties workscreen for an objective in the Objective Hierarchy by double-clicking on the objective text.

4.On the General tab, enter conditions, a revised behavior statement and standards, as appropriate.

5.On the Training tab, enter the media, training setting, training time (estimated) and any comments that you feel may help the reviewer or the author of content for the objective.

6.Plus1 If desired, click the Content tab and enter an objective classification; you may also enter a topic and the content for the objective at this time.

7.Plus1 If desired, click the Consolidation tab to review the skills and knowledge components (analysis items) that are consolidated within the objective.

8.If desired, click the Questions tab and create or edit test questions for the objective.

9.Close the Properties workscreen by clicking the OK button.

10.Refer to the Cross Reference tab to see cross reference items linked to this node. You can view an item's properties, unlink the item or open its Cross Reference Table. Any changes made from this tab are permanent.

11.Repeat the process until you have entered or edited all of the objective statements and properties.

What's next?

You can run the "Objective Summary" report to facilitate a review of the objectives and properties. Get the report from the Reports window on Outcomes of the Main Menu. Click the Design tab; highlight the report and click the Run button.

Now what? You have the classic choice:

You can write test questions that match the objectives. To write test items, you are already at the right screen. Test questions are created from the objective Properties workscreen.

You can organize the Program (structure of courses, modules, lessons, etc.) To do that, click on Workbench on the Main Menu, select Design Activities and click "Sequencing".

Tips for Developing Complete Objective Statements

Implications of choosing or changing an objective's classification

Plus1 A definition of objective statements and properties

Plus1 Training Media

Plus1 Training Setting

Plus1 Time to Train

Plus1 Conditions and standards will only appear in the specifications

Plus1 Add comments that might help the lesson author

Plus1 Add any content now, while you have it

Plus1 You can reclassify the objective without sacrificing its content

Related Topics

Developing test items for objectives

Plus1 Implications of choosing or changing an objective classification

Plus1 The purpose of the objective topic statement

Plus1 Interpreting the consolidation and link information