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VISION User Guide

Assessment Type

VISION Learning Station supports two types of assessments: Graded Exam and Manually Score. When you use a Graded Exam assessment profile you will give VISION directions on how to generate a test, present it to learners, and then grade it. When learners have completed the assessment, the instructor will be emailed with their scores. When you select Manually Score, VISION does none of these things. Assessments and grading are all left up to the instructor, who will then enter scores manually. Note that AICC events cannot use Manual Score.

Questions by Objective Assessment Profile

You can create a "Questions Per Objective" assessment profile in the VISION Developer module.

Profile Sample Type

When you select a Graded Exam assessment profile, you must also select its Sample Type. This is the way in which VISION will choose questions to create the test.

To create a test, VISION cycles through the objectives being tested, picking a question randomly from each one's pool before going on to the next. It continues to do so until it has reached the specified number of questions, points, or time (or at least the minimum acceptable number).  This ensures that questions are distributed as evenly as possible between the objectives. You can also set a minimum acceptable number of questions, points, or time just in case you don't have enough questions or their points or time don't add up exactly.

By Total Number of Questions

This type of profile will create a test based on the number of questions that you enter. If you enter 50 questions, it will select 50 questions from the pool of objectives being tested, regardless of their point value, length of time, or number of questions associated with each objective.

For example, if you have five objectives and you create a 100 question assessment profile, VISION will try to assemble 20 questions per objective. Therefore, you should ensure that you have at least 20 questions for each objective, and possibly more if you want the questions to vary between tests. If you set a minimum of 90 questions, VISION will still produce a test if you do not have quite enough questions or if conflicts between questions remove them from your question pool.

By Percent of Each Objective's Question Pool

This type of profile will create a test based on the percentage of questions you want from each objective. The size of this test will vary depending on the number of questions associated with each objective, so you will also enter a minimum number of questions per objective to ensure that it is not too small and that all objectives are represented.

For instance, suppose that you have 2 objectives, one with a pool of 6 questions and one with 10 questions.  If you pick a percentage of 50%, you will get 3 questions from the first objective and 5 from the second.  If you had set a minimum of 8 or fewer questions, VISION could generate a test, but if you set a minimum of 9 questions, it would not be able to generate a test when a learner requested one.

Warning This is different from the "By Number of Questions per Objective" Assessment profile, in which you select a specific number of questions from each objective.

By Points

This type of profile will create a test based on the point value of each question in the exam. The number of questions selected will depend on the point values of the questions, so it might contain many low-point questions or only a few high-point ones.

By Time

This type of profile will create a test based on the amount of time each question is meant to take. If questions are quick, there will be more of them, if long, not as many.

By Linking to a Static Exam

This assessment will only use an exam or set of exams that you build in the VISION Developer module. It will still be presented through VISION Learning Station, but the instructor will select the questions and even the order of questions on the exam. Of course, in order to use this assessment you must have static exams set up in the VISION Developer module.

By Number of Questions per Objective

This type of assessment profile builds an exam from a specific number of questions from each objective in the lesson. These questions will be selected randomly from the pool of available questions (as usual), but each objective will act as its own question pool. You will select the number of questions for each objective in the VISION Developer module.

Warning This is different from the "By Percent of Each Objective's Question Pool" Assessment profile, in which you define a single percentage of questions to select from all of the lesson's objectives.