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VISION User Guide

Use the VISION Content Toolbar to create the document. This section discusses the following features in the VISION Content Toolbar:


Heading & Body Styles

Formatting Text

Inserting Graphic Elements

Inserting Notes

Activities & Additional Notes

Warning Remember to match your template to the type of document you wish to produce.


The VISION Content Toolbar (VCT) provides the instructor the ability to select special templates for the content object if needed, apply formatting and organize content consistent with the VOR template, and insert notes and other special document elements to enhance the training material. Using the VCT when developing content objects allows the content objects to be automatically assembled into outcomes by the VISION Outcomes Report (VOR) without requiring the instructor to manually edit outcome documents.

VISION Content Tool in Microsoft Word


VISION Content Tool in Microsoft PowerPoint


Heading & Body Styles

Styles in Microsoft Word provide a powerful means of specifying font, paragraph, and list or number formatting. The VISION Content Toolbar allows the application of styles quickly using the Apply VISION Styles menu. To apply a VISION style, place the cursor in the paragraph to be formatted and select the desired style from the menu.


The Heading and Body Styles provided by the VCT are designed to work together to allow the instructor to give structure to the content for easier comprehension by the learner. The VCT provides for five levels of Headings with a corresponding Normal (body) style for each level.

Once a Heading or Body style is applied the Indent Increase and Indent Decrease buttons on the VCT can be used to move the selected paragraph(s) to the left or right. The Clear Formatting button may be used to convert Heading-formatted text to Body text. Both the Indent and Clear Formatting buttons may be used with any VISION style.


When creating content for learning objects, refrain from using the top-level Heading style (e.g., Heading 1). The VOR automatically generates headings for each top-level objective using the top-level heading style and the objective's Topic, (or Behavior if there is not Topic). The top-level Heading style should only be used in the Program Introduction or certain types of media objects.

Plus1 Content Auto-Indent

Formatting Text

Many of the normal formatting controls available in Word have limited functionality or are restricted by the VISION Content Toolbar. This is done to ensure consistent formatting of all content stored in VISION. This section will discuss the Word formatting features that are available and features added by the VCT.

Plus1 Font And Paragraph Formatting

Plus1 List And Outline Formatting

Plus1 Table & Graphics Formatting

Plus1 Special Formatting

Inserting Graphic Elements

The VISION Content Toolbar provides features for inserting graphics, tables and other document elements in Microsoft Word content. These can be inserted in-line in the content or attached to the document.

Plus1 Inserting Graphics into Content

Plus1 Steps to Attach Full-Page Graphics or Table

Plus1 Other Document Elements

Inserting Notes

The VISION Content Toolbar provides support for inserting a wide variety of Notes into content, in both Word and PowerPoint. The Notes and associated VCT menu(s) are specific to your site's VISION installation so the Notes available to you, the layout of the VCT Notes menu(s), and the appearance of the Notes may differ from those shown in the examples below.


Notes are inserted into content by selecting the desired Note from the Instructor Notes menu When the Note is inserted default text is included to provide guidance to the instructor on the content of the note. In Word the location of the Note depends on where the cursor is positioned:

When the cursor is in an empty paragraph the Note replaces the current paragraph.

When the cursor is at the beginning or middle of a paragraph the Note is inserted before the paragraph.

When the cursor is at the end of a paragraph the Note is inserted after the paragraph.

In table-based layouts, the performance training items will be inserted in the appropriate column specified for that layout.

Notes that are designated as "Instructor Notes" will be removed from the Student Guide, if one is generated. These typically include: Instructor Notes, Instructor Activity, and Instructor Cue.

Plus1 Note Formats

Plus1 Note Sizes

Plus1 Note Examples

Plus1 PowerPoint Notes

Activity Notes & Additional Notes

Performance training materials may require special document elements related to instructor activities, interaction with the trainee, and operation of training simulators.

The VISION Content Toolbar provides special "Activity" notes for working with performance training materials in Word. Place your cursor where you would like the note to go and then select it from the Activities menu.

TipThe content layout templates and associated VCT menu(s) are specific to your VISION installation.


Plus1 Trainee Actions

Plus1 Role Play

Plus1 Sim Trigger

Plus1 Plant Effects

Plus1 PTE Commands

Plus1 JPM Commands