The VISION Office Report supports placing additional content (not required by the ADDIE process but useful in conducting training) into outcomes by the use of media objects. An objective is designated as a media object by selecting the desired type in the objective's Training Media field on the objective's Training page.
The VOR places the content of the Special media object into the Outcome document according to its type. When multiple media objects are sequenced into a Training Unit the objects are incorporated into the Outcome in the order they are sequenced into the Program.
The following provides a list of the media objects recognized by the VOR, describes how each is processed by the VOR, and where it is inserted into the outcome.
•Used to provide additional guidance to the instructor using the training material. oSequenced into Outcomes at the end of the front matter section. oNOT included in a Student Guide. •Only needed for Word content; in PowerPoint instructor guidance should be placed in the slide notes for the Program Introduction. •A section Heading is automatically created using the Objective Topic if specified, otherwise the Behavior. |
•Used to provide a lesson summary. An Outcome can incorporate multiple objects to allow inclusion of a lesson specific summary in addition to separate "boilerplate" content specific to an outcome type. oInserted into the outcome immediately after all learning object content and before any other Special Non Instructional Object types. •A section Heading is NOT automatically created; if the content of the object is to start a new section then a heading using the top-level VCT Heading style should be included. |
•Used to incorporate Operating Experience (OPEX) reports or other historical event summaries at the end of an outcome. An OPEX object would be expected to be included in a training unit when the OE report was referenced in the lesson. oSequenced into the Outcome as content after the Program Summary and any special Summary objects. •A section heading is automatically created using the Objective Topic if specified, otherwise the Behavior. |
•Full-page Tables, Figures, or Pictures to include with the lesson content. oPlaced in the outcome after all other content, but before the end matter section. •A caption is automatically created for all TBL, FIG, and PIC objects using the Objective Topic if specified, otherwise the Behavior. •Tables should be created using the VCT Insert Graphics -> Table command without a caption. Figures/Pictures should be created using the VCT Insert Graphics -> Full-Page Graphic command without a caption. |
•Used to incorporate supplemental information useful in conducting the lesson into the outcome. oIncluded in the outcome after all content and end-matter. Unlike all other content objects, the page layout, including headers and footers, of the content in an ATTACH object is preserved in the outcome document. •A title page for each Attachment is inserted in the outcome prior to the content using the Objective Topic if specified, otherwise the Behavior. |
•Used in performance training materials to provide instructions to a student. Student handouts (often referred to as "Cues") should not contain PowerPoint content. oSequenced at the end of the outcome. A section heading "Student Handout" is automatically inserted at the beginning of the page. •Headers and footers are stripped to prevent any information about the PTE that could potentially compromise exam security from being disclosed to the student. |