Use the Test Search Window to find or create tests.
Active and Disqualified Checkboxes
The Test Search window allows you to search for tests by the following criteria:
•Current project or all projects
•Active or inactive exams
•By the test ID
•By the title of the test
•By the test owner
•By the date modified
•By origin (VISION Developer or Learning Station)
•By usage details
•By inclusion of a specified question, objective, or program.
To use the Test Search window, click Test on the main menu and select Open. Or click the "page" button on VISION's topmost toolbar. This will open the Test Search window.
The left column of the Test Search window displays the criteria that you can use to limit your search. These options are defined below. When you are finished selecting your criteria, click the Search button and the results will be listed in the right side of the window. If you simply click on the Search button or press the Enter key, without specifying any search criteria, the default criteria are used, listing all active exams in the current (logged) project that originated in VISION (not the Learning Station).
•Default search criteria: all active exams in the current (logged) project that originated in VISION (not the Learning Station).
•Project/Test ID: Search for exams in just the Logged (current) project, all projects, or search for an exam having a particular ID. If you choose “test ID”, then the input box to the right becomes active and you can enter the test ID to search for.
•Test Status: Search for active exams, inactive exams, or both.
•Title contains text: You can limit a search to just those exams having the letter, word, or phrase that you enter. Check the checkbox and the text input box becomes active. The search words that you enter are treated as a single expression. So, for example, if you enter two words, then the search is for tests having both those words, in that sequence, in their titles. Test titles having only one of those words will not match.
•Only tests created in VISION, not in the LS: List just those tests created in the VISION Developer. Tests created in the VISION Learning Station (a product that you may or may not have) are excluded.
•Modified by: You can restrict the search to exams modified or owned by a particular VISION “developer.” You can further restrict this search with the "Date" field.
•All tests, including those created in the LS: Search among all tests - those created here, in the VISION Developer, and those created in the VISION Learning Station.
•Recorded test uses: Restrict the search to only tests that have student results recorded for them. You can use this in combination with the "Taken by", "Proctored by," and "Date Administered" fields to further limit your results.
•Limit search to tests have this data item: In addition to the other search criteria selected in this control panel, further limit the search to just those exams that use the selected data item (question, objective, or program).
oYou select the data item of interest by clicking on it in another window, a window behind the Test Search window. To reach the other window, don’t close the Test Search window. Just temporarily minimize it, drag it aside, or shrink it, in order to expose the windows behind it. In the other window - for instance, a hierarchy links window or a search result window - click on a question, objective, or program.
oNext, specify what kind of relation to search for: tests in which that data item (1) serves as a test unit, or (2) appears in (or contributes to) the question pool, or (3) is a question that is actually selected on the test.
The right pane of the Test Search window displays the exams that match the input search criteria. You can sort the list by any of the columns. Click on a column header once to sort in one direction, and a second time to sort in the opposite direction. You can also move the columns by dragging the column headers sideways.
The “Test” menu and some of the toolbar buttons on the main VISION window also will act upon the test list. You can double-click on an exam to edit it. To mark an exam as active or inactive, click the checkbox in the “Active” column. You can select multiple exams beforehand, if you want to archive or un-archive multiple tests in one action.
You can select multiple exams by shift-clicking or Ctrl-clicking them. When one or more tests are selected, you will be able to use the menu bar at the top of the Test Search window. You can also access these features by right-clicking on the highlighted exam(s). The menu items are described below.
Creates a new exam. Once the Test window is open, you can drag and drop exam units onto the test. Note: Click the Help button in the "Test Properties" window for more information on creating tests.
Make a copy of the exam selected in the exam list. The copy will get the same title, but preceded by the words “(Copy of)”. The copy will have literally the same questions as the original; copying a test doesn’t make copies of the questions on it.
Delete the exams you have selected in the exam list.
Open the exam workscreen for the exam currently selected in the exam list. Double-clicking on the exam does the same. On the exam workscreen you can view and edit the exam properties.
Choosing this option will bring up the Test Statistics window, which will display exam scores that have already been entered and bring up controls for you to import additional student scores. A benefit of entering student results is, that’s how statistics accumulate for individual test questions. As questions get used and reused on different exams, over time the student response data that you input builds a picture of which questions are easy, difficult, or perhaps poorly written.
Generate a printable representation of the selected exam, or a related document (answer key, test specification, etc.). Generating an exam produces the test as you would present it to a student.
Active exams are those that are ready to be presented to learners. You can only mark an exam as "active" once it has a status of "Approved" (on the Test Units page of the exam's properties).
Disqualified exams are those that will never again be used, either for printed tests or online exams. Once the "Disqualified" checkbox has been checked, it can never be un-checked, so be sure that you wish to disqualify an exam before you do so.