Exam results may be entered into VISION for any test maintained in the VISION program. Recording student responses for each test question not only preserves the results of an examination for later inspection, but also enables VISION to calculate statistics for both the exam as a whole and the individual exam questions.
Use the "Stats" button to enter or modify the exam results for each student. To learn how to enter the student information manually, see How to manually enter students.
Entering the exam results manually can be time-consuming and tedious, but for exams that are scored using Scantron forms, there is a shortcut. With just a few mouse-clicks from the user, the computer can do the work of transferring the question responses from the Scantron forms into VISION, saving much manual input. To learn more about importing test statistics, see Importing Test Statistics.
The VISION program is not by itself capable of reading Scantron information: A helper program is also required, for the purpose of getting the data off of the Scantron sheets and into a form that VISION can understand. For further assistance in transferring data from Scantron forms into VISION, please contact FOCUS Learning Corporation's tech support.
Importing student responses into VISION is subject to some limitations:
•Only the responses to the exam's multiple-choice and true/false questions are scored through importing; any other types of questions on the exam, such as short answer and matching, are ignored by the import. The student response for them is left at the default, correct response. They can then be scored manually after the import.
•The question numbers on the Scantron form must correspond to the question numbers on the VISION exam. This may require extra care for exams that have a mixture of question types.
The VISION program is not by itself capable of reading Scantron information. A helper program is also required, for the purpose of getting the data off of the Scantron sheets and into a form that VISION can understand.
This helper program consists of a batch file, typically named "scan.bat", and a couple of supporting files. The particular program files that are used depend upon the particular Scantron terminal that is used and the particular Scantron answer sheets that are used. Contact FOCUS Learning to obtain the files that are appropriate for the particular terminal and forms that you use.
Together, the helper program and its supporting files communicate directly with the Scantron terminal. The program is started, and then the completed Scantron forms are fed into the Scantron terminal. The program transfers the student responses from the Scantron forms into a text file that VISION can understand.
The format of that file is depicted in the table below. It is possible to generate this file in other ways. For example, the Scanbook software that is often supplied with Scantron terminals can produce files in this format, if used with a "form definition file" designed for this purpose. FOCUS Learning can create the appropriate form definition file for you.
Test Statistics Record (for importing)
If you cannot use the import feature, you must input the statistics manually for each student. To input the statistics for a student, follow these steps:
1.On the Test Search workscreen, highlight the test and click the Stats button.
2.Select the last row (labeled "New Student") and begin typing the learner ID. When finished typing the ID, press <Enter>. If VISION recognizes the ID you entered, then you'll go straight to the window in which you can enter the learner's responses to the individual test items.
Otherwise, an intermediate window will be presented first, in which you can enter the name of the learner. Enter the student’s information: first name, last name and the student’s email address.
3.In the list of questions, review the Response column. If the student’s response was not Right, select one of the predefined responses in the "Selected question Score" box and adjust the Score, if needed. The questions are listed in the order they appeared on the test. For more information on responses, click the Help button.
4.Click the OK button once you have completed the student’s profile.
5.Repeat the above steps for each student who took the exam.
Note that if the VISION Learning Station is installed, you will not be able to enter new learner information here. You will be given a message prompting you to create the learner in the Learning Station. Once you do this, then you can enter the learner’s ID in the window above.
To enter and merge test scores, do the following:
1.Click on the "Manage Tests" icon on the menu bar, click Test and Open on the Main Menu, or hit <CTRL+T> on the keyboard.
2.In the Test Search window, use the option on the left to define your search parameters to find the test you want to score.
3.Highlight the title of the test for which you want to enter and merge scores.
4.Click the Stats button on the Test Search page or right click and select Stats. VISION will display the Test Statistics workscreen.
5.In the fields provided, type in an ID Number (you must type an ID Number for each student).
6.When you hit enter, the Student Properties window will pop up. Enter in the rest of the students information and then click OK.
7.The questions are listed in the Response Area. To see more about a question, scroll to the right.
8.Click on the first question: If the student answered it completely right, the default Response (Right) is correct. Click on to the next question.
9.If the student did not answer the question completely right, do the following:
a.Click in the question's Response field in the Selected Questions Score are of the window. Select the appropriate response: Wrong, Partial, Ignore, Not Answered or Invalid.
b.To give partial credit, choose Partial and enter the number of points in the Score field (the number of points is up to you. Do not exceed the total number of points assigned to the question).
c.Use "Invalid" when the student has more than one answer marked.
d.For Multiple Choice questions, enter the distractor that the student has chosen. If the student gave the right answer, the choice will be displayed. If the question was not Multiple Choice, this field will be marked 'N/A' (not applicable).
10.Repeat the process until the Response for every question is documented on the test. Click the OK button.
11.Add in another student in order to enter their responses. Repeat until all of the responses for all students who took the test have been entered.
12.To exit Test Statistics and save changes, click the OK button.
To import test scores, do the following:
1.If you haven't already done so, open the Test Search window by selecting Test and Open on the Main Menu.
2.Highlight the title of the test for which you want to enter and merge scores. Click the Enter Stats button. VISION will display the Test Statistics screen.
3.On the Test Results tab, adjust the Date Administered, if necessary. Then click the Import Student Scores... button. VISION will display the Select Test Statistics File dialog box. Choose the Scantron output file (for example: <filename>.TS) that contains the test scores for the test you have selected. Click the OK button.
a.Importing does not erase test scores that may already be entered for the test. Importing adds to what's already there. You must first clear the test statistics (using the Delete or Delete All button) if you wish to replace any existing statistics.
b.Also, importing does not allow the same student to be added twice to a test. The import operation rejects test scores for any student already entered in the test statistics, as defined by the student ID. (It is assumed that each student has a unique Student ID.)
c.Note any errors that might occur. You will have to manually enter information that caused an error during the import process.
To enter test scores manually, follow this procedure:
1.On the Main Menu, click Test and then click Open.
2.Highlight the appropriate test, and then click the Student Scores button .
3.On the Test Statistics window, you can choose to manually enter the student response information or you can import data from an electronic file generated from Scantron score sheets.
4.On the Test Results tab, click the Import Students button.
5.From the Select Test Statistics File window, navigate to and choose the Scantron output file (<filename>.TS). This is the file created by the helper program. Click the Open button.
a.Importing does not erase test scores that may already be entered for the test; it only adds to what is already there. If you want to replace any existing statistics, then first click the Delete button to clear the test statistics for the students you highlighted.
b.Importing does not allow the same student to be added twice to a test. The import operation rejects test scores for any student already entered in the test statistics, as defined by the Employee ID, which is unique to each individual. If any errors occur, you will have to manually enter information that caused an error during the import process.
If you are using the VISION Learning Station, you will have to add new learners there.