To use or edit an existing test, follow these steps:
1.If you haven't already done so, open the Test Search window by selecting Test and Open on the Main Menu.
2.Double click on a test to open its Properties window.
a.You do not have to select a test if you click the "New" option.
When you generate a test, you can click the "Show question details" box to include additional information about each question; its ID values, status, topic, point value, and so forth, in the generated document.
Chances are your next step is to copy the tests and give them to the learners. But when they give them back to you for grading, here are a few things to keep in mind:
•You can enter the scores in VISION. If you do, VISION can compute test question statistics that will help you to identify questions that may not be reliable or valid. VISION will use the data to suggest a level of difficulty for each question.
•You can also merge the scores with prior scores, so that VISION can refresh the statistics for each test question. The more times the question is used, the more meaningful the statistics become.
You can generate a Test Specification for any existing test. The Test Specification provides detailed information about the components of the test. Use them to review and document what the test is about.
To generate a Test Specification, highlight the test. Then click the Generate button and select Specifications from the pull-down menu.
Open a test from the Main Menu by selecting Test, Open, and clicking on the Search button. Double-click on a test to open its properties page.
From there, you can:
•Change the units of instruction.
•Build the test.
•Configure the test (view or modify the filters, profiles, questions selected, sequence, print options, etc.).
The process of making tests - an overview
How to make a cover sheet for a test