Make sure to update the test's questions or test units before updating the test. For a fast way to open questions associated with the test, you can do so from the Test Properties window, on the Selection page.
Follow these instructions to edit a question in the VISION Developer module:
1.In VISION Developer, open the Objective hierarchy and navigate to the objective node that has the question you want to edit.
2.Double click it to open the objective's properties.
3.Open the Questions page and double-click on the question you wish to edit.
4.Click on the Question page. If the question is active, you will have to click the "Change Status & Edit" button when you edit the question.
5.The question's stem, answer, distractors, and point value are all located on this page. Edit the question as needed.
6.When you are done editing, return to the General page and change the Status to "Active".
7.Click the OK button to close the question.
8.On the objective's General page, change the Status to "Approved" and click OK to save.
If your test units are Questions, you have already done this. Proceed to step 3.
If your test units are Programs or Objectives, follow this procedure:
1.In the Program Hierarchy, right-click on the parent (top) program node of the program(s) or objectives included in the test.
2.Select Branch Approval Operations and Approve (or Reapprove) branch.
3.Click OK.
You can quickly navigate to these nodes by opening the test, right-clicking on the test unit, and selecting "go to hierarchy". You can also use the Links windows to locate programs associated with objective test units, or manually switch each objective's Status to Approved on it's General page.
You cannot unapprove and then reapprove a test. Instead, you must make a new copy of it, make your changes, and then approve the new test.
1.Open the Test Search window by selecting Test and Open on the Main Menu.
2.Click the Search button and highlight the test you wish to update.
3.To discontinue using the old test, click the Archived checkbox.
4.Right-click the test and select Copy.
5.Click the OK button and then double click the copy of the test to open its properties. The new test will start with "(Copy of)".
6.Rename the test, removing "(Copy of)", and appending something like “version 2” to the end of the title. VISION does not require this step, but we recommend it.
7.To update the questions to their new versions, use the Load button on the Selection page.
8.Use the Load and Select options add questions to the test.
9.When you have finished selecting and loading questions, click the yellow Build Test button. Click OK.
10.When you are satisfied with your test, set the status to Approved and click Yes in the dialog box.
11.Click OK to save the new version of the test.