If you forgot to make a cover sheet for a test, or want to edit the one you have, this is what to do:
1.If you haven't already done so, open the Test Search window by selecting Test and Open on the Main Menu.
2.Double-click the appropriate test to open its Properties window.
4.To view cover sheets that are common to all projects you must check the box for "Show cover sheets that are shared across all projects".
5.Click the New button to add a new cover sheet. Enter a cover sheet title.
6.To share this new cover sheet across all projects, check the box for "Share this cover sheet across ALL projects". If you leave this box unchecked, your current project is the only project that will have access to this new cover sheet.
7.With the mouse pointer in the text window area, click the "Z" button or click the right mouse button and select Zoom.
8. Using the text Edit options available from the menu bar, develop the cover sheet the way you wish.
9.Save the file by selecting File Save from the menu bar. Click the OK button to exit the workscreens.