Word and PowerPoint lesson content is added to objectives in the VISION Developer module. You can use these steps or see Developing Training and Reference Materials in the VDM Help for more information.
Add Video, HMTL, PDF, AICC or Web Content
1.Double-click on the objective to open its properties, and click on the Content page.
2.Select a Classification from the drop-down menu. If you are unsure of which to select you can click the Advisor button for more information or select the Free Form classification.
3.Click the Word Actions drop-down menu and select "New Document".
4.Your Word document will open. Type or paste in content. When you are finished, save the document and close it.
5.VISION will confirm that you wish to save your changes. Click Yes.
6.Click on the Word Actions menu again and choose "Convert Document to HTML".
7.A Content box will pop up. Enter a title for the content so that you will be able to recognize it in the future. Click OK.
8.A pop-up will appear to confirm that the content was converted successfully, click OK.
Don't forget to Publish to the VISION LS!
1.Double-click on the objective to open its properties, and click on the Content page.
2.Select a Classification from the drop-down menu. If you are unsure of which to select you can click the Advisor button for more information or select the Free Form classification.
3.Click the PowerPoint Actions drop-down menu and select "New Document".
4.Your PowerPoint presentation will open. Type or paste in content. When you are finished, save the document and close it.
5.VISION will confirm that you wish to save your changes. Click Yes.
6.Click on the PowerPoint Actions menu again and choose "Convert Presentation to MP4 Video" (or convert to HTML if using Office 2010).
7.A Content box will pop up. Enter a title for the content so that you will be able to recognize it in the future. Click OK.
8.A pop-up will appear to confirm that the content was converted successfully, click OK.
You can still convert your PowerPoint content to HTML if you are using a version of Office no older than Office 2010. If not, you must convert it to MP4 instead.
When you convert a PowerPoint to MP4, VISION will ONLY use the default values. To edit default values, see "PowerPoint Best Practices".
Don't forget to Publish to the VISION LS!