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VISION User Guide

Use the Test Search window to list the exams in the current project or to list exams meeting specific search criteria.

Search Criteria

The criteria are additive, not alternative. That is, the more search criteria you enter, the more restrictive the search. For instance, if you select "Logged project", "Active exams", and title containing "quiz", then the search is for tests meeting all three of those criteria, not just any one of them.

Currently, the Test Search window doesn't "remember" your last search criteria after you close the window. Looking at the bright side, that means you can quickly clear all the search criteria by closing and reopening the window.

Explanation of Search Controls

In VISION you can quickly get info on any of the Test Search window controls (checkboxes, buttons, and so forth) by first clicking the Manage Tests button that is found on VISION's main toolbar and then clicking on the control of interest in the Test Search window. Alternatively, you can click on the links below.


The column headers offer the typical column features:

You can sort the list by any of the columns. Click on a column header once to sort in one direction, and a second time to sort in the opposite direction.

You can move the columns by dragging the column headers sideways.

You can resize the columns by double-clicking on the column header borders or dragging the borders sideways.

Search Button

Click the Search button to look for exams matching the criteria selected in this control panel.

If you click Search right away, without first selecting any search criteria, then the search proceeds according to the initial settings: Active exams, in the current project, created in VISION.

Project Selector

Search for exams in just the current ("logged") project, or in all projects, or search for an exam having a particular ID.

If you choose "test ID", then the input box to right becomes active, in which you enter the test ID to search for.


This little box has a dual purpose. Ordinarily, it shows how many tests are listed in the pane at right. But for searches by test ID, this is the box in which you enter the test ID.

Test Type

Search among these kinds of exams:

Active (Non-Archived)

Inactive (Archived)


All of the above

Archived & Disqualified Tests

Marking a test as archived or disqualified is done in the Test Search window, not on the Test Properties workscreen. Look in the list of exams—that is, the search results pane, adjacent to this control panel. In the exam list, you'll see two columns of checkboxes, under the column headings "Archived" and "Disqualified".


To mark exams as Archived, simply select one or more exams in the list and then click the checkbox in that column, in one of the selected rows.

You may have tests that you don't use anymore, yet need to keep for records. Over time, the number of such tests could grow large. If you archive those tests, then they won't clutter the list when you search for active (non-archived) exams only.

The archived designation can be cleared by unchecking the Archived checkbox.


To mark an exam as disqualified, locate the exam in the Test Search results panel and then checkmark the Disqualified checkbox in the exam's row.

Only exams in Approved status can be disqualified.

The usual reason is that one or more questions on the test were found to be invalid.

Caution: Marking an exam as Disqualified is irreversible. However, a disqualified exam can be copied, and the copy won't be disqualified.

Test Title & User-Defined ID Filter

You can limit a search to just those exams having the letter, word, or phrase that you enter. Check the checkbox and the text input box becomes active.

The search words that you enter are treated as a single expression. So, for example, if you enter two words, then the search is for tests having both those words, in that sequence, in their titles. Test titles having only one of those words will not match.

Tests created in VISION

List just those tests created in the VISION Developer (this program). Tests created in the VISION Learning Station (a product you may or may not have) are excluded.

You can further restrict the search to exams created, modified, or owned by a particular VISION "developer". And you can restrict the exams to those created or last modified within a particular time period.

All Tests

Search among all tests—those created here, in the VISION Developer, and those created in the VISION Learning Station (a product you may or may not have).

Recorded test uses

Restrict the search to only tests that have student results recorded for them.

You can further limit the search to tests taken by a particular learner, or administered by a particular person (proctor), or administered during a certain time period. You can combine these three search criteria.

Tests using specified data item

In addition to the other search criteria selected in this control panel, further limit the search to just those exams that use the selected data item (question, objective, or program).

Specifying the data item

You select the data item of interest by clicking on it in another window, a window behind the Test Search window. To reach another window, don't close the Test Search window. Just temporarily minimize it, drag it aside, or shrink it, in order to expose the windows behind it. In the other window—for instance, a hierarchy links window or a search result window—click on a question, objective, or program.

Specifying the relation of the data item to the test

Next, specify what kind of relation to search for: tests in which that data item (1) serves as a test unit, or (2) appears in, or contributes to, the question pool, or (3) is a question that is actually selected on the test.

Results Panel


When you click the Search button, whatever tests match the search criteria are listed in the results pane.


You can sort the list by any of the columns. Click on a column header once to sort in one direction, and a second time to sort in the opposite direction.

You can also move the columns by dragging the column headers sideways.

Exam Selection and Actions

You can select multiple tests. That can be useful if, for example, you want to mark many exams as inactive. Or if you need to delete many exams. But most of the actions (copy, properties, enter stats, etc.) apply only to the one exam that has the "focus rectangle", even if multiple exams are selected.

These actions, and other exam actions, can be initiated in a variety of ways: They can be initiated from the right-click, popup menu in the results pane, or from the small toolbar at the top of the Test Search window, just above the list. In addition, the "Test" menu and some of the toolbar buttons on the main VISION window also will act upon the test list.

You can double-click on a test to edit it. To mark a test as active or inactive, click the checkbox in the "Active" column. You can select multiple exams beforehand, if you want to mark multiple tests in one action.