To select tasks for training and retraining:
When you have average D-I-F scores for each task, follow the steps below to enter them into VISION.
Tip: If you want to obtain D-I-F data from subject matter experts (SMEs), you can generate the "Task DIF Survey" report. This report will produce a form that you can use to collect SME input. You can generate this by opening the Reports window from Outcomes on the Main Menu.
1.On the Main Menu select "Workbench", then "Analysis Activities" and choose the "Task Selection" activity.
a.If the Open Analysis Work Area window appears, select the work area that contains the tasks you want to analyze. Then click OK.
2.Expand the Analysis Hierarchy to the task level.
3.Double-click on the text of a task you would like to evaluate for training and retraining; when the Task Properties workscreen opens, click the Selection tab.
4.In the Task Selection Data area (lower part of the workscreen), enter the Difficulty, Importance and Frequency scores (decimals are OK).
5.Click the OK button and select a new task from the Analysis Hierarchy.
6.Repeat the process until the D-I-F scores are entered for every task.
Now you need to generate the Task Training Recommendation report. To generate this report, follow these steps:
1.Select the parent (Responsibility Area, Phase or Function) above the tasks you were working with in the previous steps.
1.On the Main Menu, select Outcomes and then VISION Reports or click on the VISION Reports button.
2.Select the "Task Training Recommendation" report in the list and click the Run button.
3.A Report choices window will open. Under "Report model" select the type of DIF rating that your organization uses and then check the boxes for any other features you wish to use.
4.The output of this report will recommend one of the following for each task: Train, Recurring Training, Job Aid (also referred to as a "Checklist"), or No Training Required.
Tip: Review each recommendation carefully. Get consensus from the appropriate personnel. Change any notation according to your team's evaluation.
To record the final disposition of each task, follow these steps:
1.In the "Task Training Recommendation" window, place your cursor in a cell under the "Task" column that contains blue text.
2.Right click on the report and select the Go to Database option. When the Task Properties workscreen appears, click the Selection tab.
3.Click Yes or No under Is this task selected for training? as recommended in the "Recommendation" column in the report for this task as follows:
a.If "Train" or "Recurring Training" is recommended, click "Yes". If "Recurring Training" is recommended, you should also check the Is it trained on a recurring basis? box and select how often the task is to be trained.
b.If "No Training Required" or "Job Aid" is recommended, click "No". This means the task is not trained, but it will still be used to produce a "Job Aid" training document.
c.If "Critical" is recommended, check the Critical box at the top of the General page.
4.Click the OK button. If a window titled "Update Document" appears, click the "Do not update the document" option and then click the OK button.
5.Repeat the process to enter task selection information for every task.
If you have completed the task selection process, you can generate an important report called the Master Task List. The report is a matrix showing each task in the job, along with the disposition (Train, No Training Required, Recurring Training). You can get the report from the Reports window. Click the Reports button or go to Outcomes on the Main Menu and select VISION Report. Highlight the report and click the Generate Report button.
The next activity is usually task analysis.