Though you can only select the Qualification Summary, Qualification Completion, and Task Qualification from the drop down menu, other reports are accessible through the Qualification Summary.
Choose an Organization and a Report from the drop down menus, and then click the View Report button.
Qualification Report Selection (Qualification Summary)
Qualification Summary/Qualification Report Selection
Choose a report for each of the qualifications listed. •All Expiring Qualifications button: Click this button to view a list of all of the Expiring Qualifications for all job positions. •Print button: Click this button to open your printer properties and print the page. •(Job Position): Each job position in the selected organization with a qualification is listed. •(Qualification Name): Each qualification for each job position in the organization is listed. •Report Drop Down Menu: Click this menu to select from the following reports on the qualification card. |
This report lists all of learners on this qualification who's qualification is about to expire. •Print Button: Click this button to open your printer properties and print the page. •Name: The first and last name of the learner as it is entered in the VISION Learning Station. •Details Button: Click this button to view the Qualification Event Record for the selected qualification. •Completed Date: The date on which the learner completed the qualification. •Days Until Requal: The number of days until the learner is required to requalify. If the requalification date is past, the number of days since the requalification date has passed, with a "-", a red background, red text, and it will read "Expired". •Requal Date: The date by which the learner needs to requalify. |
This report shows the qual card's tasks, the learner's results and status on the qual, and links to a Task Qualification Checklist for the qual card. •Step: The order in which these tasks should be completed as entered in the VISION Developer module. •Task ID: The unique identification number of the task in the VISION Developer module. •Task: The name of the task in the VISION Developer module. •Initial Completion Date: The date on which the learner qualified this task for the first time. •Current Date Completed: The most recent date on which the learner qualified for this task. • Status: oComplete (green background): The user has completed the qualification and has met the requirements. oUnsatisfactory (red background): The user has attempted the qualification but did not meet the requirements. oIncomplete (yellow background): The user has started, but not completed the qualification. oExpired (red background): The qualification period has ended and the user did not complete this qualification. oDisqualified (red background): The user is not qualified on this qualification card. oOpen (no color change): The user has not yet finished the qualification, but still has time to do so. •Detail: Click this button to view the Task Qualification Checklist. |
View details about the learner's qualification on the selected task. •Trainee: The learner who was qualified. This is the person you selected the "Details" button for on the Expiring Qualifications report. •Task: The title and System-Defined ID of the task that was qualified. •Result: The learner's performance on the task, either "Satisfactory" or "Unsatisfactory". •Evaluator: The name of the user who evaluated the learner's performance on the task. •Overall Comment: Any comments left by the evaluator on the learner's qualification. •Critical task: Whether this task is marked as "Critical" in the VISION Developer Module. •Must Perform task: Whether this task is marked as "Must Perform" in the VISION Developer Module. •Steps: Each step of the task is listed along with the learner's result and any comments left on their performance by the evaluator. |
This report lists the users who are qualified on the job position and those who are working towards qualification. •Print button: Click this button to open your printer properties and print the page. Qualified Personnel Tab•Name: The first and last name of the learner as it is entered in the VISION Learning Station. •Status: oComplete (green background): The user has completed the qualification and has met the requirements. oUnsatisfactory (red background): The user has attempted the qualification but did not meet the requirements. oIncomplete (yellow background): The user has started, but not completed the qualification. oExpired (red background): The qualification period has ended and the user did not complete this qualification. oDisqualified (red background): The user is not qualified on this qualification card. oOpen (no color change): The user has not yet finished the qualification, but still has time to do so. •Date Completed: The date on which the learner completed the qualification. •Date Expires: The date by which the qualification must be requalified, if applicable. •Completed: The percentage of the qualification that the learner has completed. Qualifications Pending Tab•Name: The first and last name of the learner as it is entered in the VISION Learning Station. •Date Started: The date on which the learner began the qualification. •Date Expires: The date by which the qualification must be requalified, if applicable. •Completed (%): The percentage of the qualification that the learner has completed. •Delinquent: This is the amount of time this qualification is overdue. A delinquent qual will have a red background and text with a number and either days, weeks, months or years since it should have been completed. •Status: oComplete (green background): The user has completed the qualification and has met the requirements. oUnsatisfactory (red background): The user has attempted the qualification but did not meet the requirements. oIncomplete (yellow background): The user has started, but not completed the qualification. oExpired (red background): The qualification period has ended and the user did not complete this qualification. oDisqualified (red background): The user is not qualified on this qualification card. oOpen (no color change): The user has not yet finished the qualification, but still has time to do so. •Detail: Click this button to view the Qualification Event Record for the selected qualification. |
View a graph of the number of learners who have completed this qualification in the selected year. •Organization: The name of the organization that the qualifications "belong" to. •Year: The year that you are currently viewing qualifications for. •Completed: The total number of qualifications completed for the selected year. •(Year Selection): Use the backwards and forwards buttons to select a year. •(Graph): The graph shows the number of qualifications completed for each month over the course of a year. |
View qualification information for a task as well as the task's procedure. •ID: The VISION Developer module unique identification number of the task. •Task: The name of the task as entered into the VISION Developer module. •Qualified Users: Click the blue number of qualified users to see the Personnel Qualified on Task report. •Procedure: Click the View button to generate the Standard Operating Procedure, a printable procedure and list of steps for the task as they were entered into VISION Developer. |